June 18, 2021
This report summarises the Pan-European Common Bird Monitoring Scheme (PECBMS) activities between 15 December 2020 and 15 June 2021.
Project funding
The project is secured by the EC tender called “Technical and scientific support in relation to the delivery and development of wild bird indicators for the EU“.
Collection of national species indices
On 14 April, we spread the data request among the national coordinators asking for the data until 2019 (and until 2020 if available). We have been dealing with various problems with RTRIM-shell, RSWAN and ONLT and assisted national coordinators. Alongside that, we are developing a new database.
Dataset revision and Technical improvements
The data revision on a national basis was completed on 31 March 2021. We checked and updated bird names according to the HBW/BirdLife nomenclature. In addition, we requested new EURING codes for the species missing a code.
Data revision consists of a couple of essential phases, which overlap each other. Therefore, we have been working on RSWAN modification for PECBMS data, RTRIM-shell modification for national coordinators, data control of PECBMS species, online tool update, new site-level data online tool, database transformation from Access to R and helping coordinators to deal with all the changes.
We have updated the RTRIM-shell tutorial. On 30 March, we ran the RTRIM-shell webinar for all the coordinators, where we explained and discussed the whole process from RTRIM-shell input preparation to RTRIM-shell output validation in the Online tool. We also introduced a new PECBMS Forum on Slack to coordinators as a tool for fast communication and advice.
Presentation of results and promotion
PECBMS contributed to the spring issue of the EBCC Newsletter spread to more than 400 recipients. See an archive of the newsletter.
PECBMS website www.pecbms.info has been actualised regularly. Since 5 December 2020, we have published four news, updated the publications, PECBMS methods, and the information on the bird monitoring schemes in Europe.
We regularly published PECBMS news items on the FB account of EBCC, which serves as a promotional platform for all EBCC projects (40 news since 12 December).
In March PECBMS data paper was published in Scientific Data. In addition, the database containing supra-national and national population indices is publicly available at the Zenodo repository.
We have been involved in the preparation and commenting of seven manuscripts using PECBMS data
We participate in the following projects:
PECBMS data were used in the three following publications:
Maintain and update the network of cooperating organisations and individuals
We provided advice and consultations to the national coordinators upon request, e. g., from Luxembourg, Ireland and Bulgaria.
We started to create a project, International Census Plots which aims to develop common bird monitoring schemes in southern and eastern Europe. Our colleagues in Serbia (Bird Protection and Study Society of Serbia, BPSSS) started a pilot scheme in 2021. We regularly meet Serbian colleagues and assist them with designing the scheme. Up to date, 28 volunteers participated, who counted 33 transects. Based on the experience from Serbia in the pilot year 2021, we plan to develop the International Census Plots approach further and invite other countries to participate. Furthermore, as this initiative requires funding, we have been participating in the discussions within EBCC about a system of small grants to support the development of monitoring in southern and eastern Europe.
On 30 March, we organised the first PECBMS webinar (via Zoom) dedicated to the RTRIM shell. Over 40 participants, mainly national coordinators, attended the event. We also introduced a new communication forum in Slack pecbms.slack.com during the webinar, enabling sharing experience within the network.
You can read a short piece of news regarding the webinar.
Reporting and assistance to the main stakeholders of the project, administration
We continue to work on the EC tender called “Technical and scientific support in relation to the delivery and development of wild bird indicators for the EU “with the RSPB, Stichting BirdLife Europe, Catalan Institute for Ornithology (ICO), and University of East Anglia (UEA). We are in regular contact with the Tender Steering Committee. On 11 December, a Tender Steering Committee meeting took place. We reported on the project’s progress, discussed the actual policy needs and agreed on the plans for the following year.
On 8 March, we attended the interim EBCC Meeting, and we prepared a report for the EBCC Board Meeting on 19 April.
On 16 March, PECBMS Steering and Technical Group met via Zoom.
In January, we hired a new colleague Javier Rivas-Salvador, (who received Ph. D. in bird ecology at Charles University, Prague), experienced in R, to assist in data revision.
Jana Škorpilová and Anna Gamero have been working part-time on the data revision and PECBMS site-level dataset. Since June, Jana is back on board as a part-time employee.