168 species 30 countries 43 years (1980–2022)

Source of the data: EBCC/BirdLife/RSPB/CSO

The latest data on European common birds shows a continued decline of European farmland birds, while the common forest birds are more or less stable over the last 10-15 years.

All indicators

Common bird monitoring
schemes in Europe

bird monitoring scheme providing data to PECBMS in 2023 update

existing bird monitoring scheme

no bird monitoring scheme


No bird monitoring scheme.


Name of scheme: Common Bird Survey of Andorra (SOCA)
Website: https://www.iea.ad/soca
Organisation: Andorra Recerca + Innovació (Research and Innovation)
Status: ongoing
Start: 2011
Number of fieldworkers: 12
Species: 130
Habitats record: no
Methods: line transects
Selection of plots: free choice
Sustainable support: yes
Contact: Clara Pladevall
Andorra Recerca + Innovació (Research and Innovation), Av. Rocafort 21-23, Ed. Molí 3er pis, AD600 - Sant Julià de Lòria, Principat d'Andorra


Name of scheme: Monitoring der Brutvögel Österreichs
Website: https://www.birdlife.at/page/monitoring
Organisation: BirdLife Austria
Status: ongoing
Start: 1998
Number of fieldworkers: 240
Species: 89
Habitats record: yes
Methods: point counts
Selection of plots: free choice
Sustainable support: partial
Reference: Teufelbauer, N., R. Büchsenmeister, A. Berger, B. Seaman, B. Regner, E. Nemeth & S. J. Butler (2017): Developing a forest bird indicator for Austria. Vogelwelt 137: 215-224.
Teufelbauer, N., B. S. Seaman & M. Dvorak (2017): Bestandsentwicklungen häufiger österreichischer Brutvögel im Zeitraum 1998-2016 – Ergebnisse des Brutvogel-Monitoring. Egretta 55: 43-76.
Teufelbauer, N. & J. Frühauf (2010): Developing a national Farmland Bird Index for Austria. In: Anselin, A. (ed.): Bird Numbers 2010. Monitoring, indicators and targets. Proceedings the 18th Conference of the European Bird Census Council, Cáceres, Spain (partim). Bird Census News 23/1-2: 87-97.
Teufelbauer, N. (2010): The Farmland Bird Index for Austria – first results of the changes in populations of common birds of farmed land. Egretta 51: 35-50.
Contact: Norbert Teufelbauer
BirdLife Austria, Museumplatz 1/10/8, A-1070 Wien, Austria
Benjamin Seaman


Name of scheme: Мониторинг птиц агроландшафтов – National Scheme of Environmental Monitoring in Belarus
Organisation: Institute of Zoology of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
Status: pilot
Start: 2007
Number of fieldworkers: 25
Species: 20
Habitats record: yes
Methods: line transects
point counts
Selection of plots: random
Sustainable support: yes
Contact: Semion Levy
APB – BirdLife Belarus – Akhova Ptushak Belarusi (APB), Makajenka 8-313, BY-220114 Minsk, Belarus
Dmitrii Zhuravliou
APB – BirdLife Belarus – Akhova Ptushak Belarusi (APB), Makajenka 8-313, BY-220114 Minsk, Belarus


Name of scheme: Common Breeding Birds Flanders
Website: https://www.inbo.be/nl/natuurindicatoren
Organisation: Research Institute for Nature and Forest, BirdLife Flanders, Natuurpunt.vzw
Status: ongoing
Start: 2007
Number of fieldworkers: 300
Species: 101
Habitats record: no
Methods: point counts
Selection of plots: stratified random
Sustainable support: yes
Reference: Algemene Broedvogels Vlaanderen (ABV): nieuwe cijfers en trends Glenn Vermeersch & Thierry Onkelinx (INBO) – Iwan Lewylle (Natuurpunt Studie) INBO Vogelnieuws 2015 24: 14-16.
Vermeersch, G. and Anselin, A. (2009): Broedvogels in Vlaanderen 2006-2007: recente status en trends van Bijzondere Broedvogels en soorten van de Vlaamse Rode Lijst en/of Bijlage I van de Europese Vogelrichtlijn.
Contact: Glenn Vermeersch
INBO - Herman Teirlinckgebouw, Havenlaan 8, 1000 Brussels, Belgium
Name of scheme: Brussels Bird Survey (Common Breeding Birds Survey – SOCBRU)
Website: https://aves.natagora.be/nos-actions/a-bruxelles
Organisation: Aves – Natagora
Status: ongoing
Start: 1992
Number of fieldworkers: 35
Species: 50
Habitats record: no
Methods: point counts
Selection of plots: free choice
Sustainable support: yes
Reference: Weiserbs, A. (2009): Oiseaux communs de Bruxelles – Evolution 1992-2008. Oiseaux de Bruxelles n° 1. Aves, Liège.
Weiserbs, A. and Jacob, J. P. (2007): Survey of common breeding birds in the Brussels Region: Analyze of the results 1992-2005. Aves 44: 65-78.
Weiserbs, A. (2012): Twenty years monitoring of common birds in Brussels. Aves, 49:13-21.
Weiserbs, A. (2012): Spring census of common water bird populations in the Region of Brussels. Aves, 49:23-28.
Contact: Alain Paquet
Aves-Natagora, Rue d’Edimbourg 26, 1050 Ixelles, Belgium
Anne Weiserbs
1, Traverse des Muses BE-5000 Namur
Name of scheme: Common Breeding Birds Survey in Wallonia; Le suivi des oiseaux communs en Wallonie (SOCWAL)
Website: https://aves.natagora.be/coa/socwal
Organisation: Aves – Natagora
Status: ongoing
Start: 1990
Number of fieldworkers: 100
Species: 80
Habitats record: no
Methods: point counts
Selection of plots: free choice
Sustainable support: yes
Reference: Derouaux, Antoine & Paquet, Jean-Yves. (2018). L'évolution préoccupante des populations d'oiseaux nicheurs en Wallonie: 28 ans de surveillance de l'avifaune commune. Aves 55/1: 1-31.
Paquet, J.-Y., Jacob, J.-P., Kinet, T. & Vansteenwegen, Ch. (2010): Les tendances des populations d´oiseaux communs en Wallonie de 1990 à 2009. Aves 47/1: 1-19.
Contact: Antoine Derouaux
1, Traverse des Muses BE-5000 Namur, Belgium
Jean-Yves Paquet
1, Traverses des Muses, B-5000 Namur, Belgium
Name of scheme: Spring Waterbirds Census; Dénombrement Printanier des Oiseaux d'eau
Website: https://www.aves.be/index.php?id=2969
Organisation: Aves, pôle ornithologique de Natagora
Status: ongoing
Start: 2000
Number of fieldworkers: 50
Species: 40
Habitats record: no
Methods: other
Selection of plots: free choice
Sustainable support: yes
Contact: Alain Paquet
Aves, pôle ornithologique de Natagora, Traverse des Muses 1, B-5000 Namur
Antoine Derouaux
Aves, pôle ornithologique de Natagora, Traverse des Muses 1, B-5000 Namur
Note: Only in Brussels Region
Name of scheme: Winter Waterbirds Census; Dénombrements Hivernaux des Oiseaux d'Eau (DHOE)
Website: https://www.aves.be/index.php?id=1387
Organisation: Aves, pôle ornithologique de Natagora
Status: ongoing
Start: 1965
Number of fieldworkers: 350
Species: 150
Habitats record: no
Methods: other
Selection of plots: other
Sustainable support: yes
Reference: Jean-Paul Jacob, Jean-Yves Paquet, Koen Devos & Thierry Onkelinx 2013: 50 ans de dénombrements hivernaux des oiseaux d’eau en Wallonie et à Bruxelles. Aves 50/4: 195-220
Contact: Jean-Paul Jacob
Aves, pôle ornithologique de Natagora, 1 Traverse des Muses, B-5000 Namur
Antoine Derouaux
1, Traverse des Muses BE-5000 Namur, Belgium
Note: Wallonia and Brussels regions. Flanders have another census.
Name of scheme: Winter Garden Birds Monitoring; Devine qui vient manger au jardin
Website: https://oiseaux.natagora.be/
Status: ongoing
Start: 2004
Number of fieldworkers: 1000
Species: 80
Habitats record: no
Methods: point counts
Selection of plots: other
Sustainable support: no
Contact: Anne Weiserbs
Natagora, Traverse des Muses 1, B-5000 Namur
Antoine Derouaux
Natagora, Traverse des Muses 1, B-5000 Namur
Note: The plots are placed in the citizen gardens. Wallonia and Brussels Region, same monitoring in Flanders with Natuurpunt.

Bosnia and Herzegovina

No bird monitoring scheme.


Name of scheme: Мониторинг на обикновените видове птици (Common Bird Monitoring Scheme)
Website: http://www.bspb.org/monitoring/
Organisation: Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, BirdLife Bulgaria
Status: ongoing
Start: 2004
Number of fieldworkers: 120
Species: 63
Habitats record: yes
Methods: line transects
Selection of plots: stratified random
Sustainable support: no
Reference: Spasov, S. and Hristov, I. (2017): Population Trends of Common Birds in Bulgaria: Is Their Status Improving after the EU Accession? Acta zool. bulg., 69 (1), 2017: 95-104
Spasov, S. (2008): The State of Bulgaria´s Common Birds. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 13. Sofia, BSPB.
Contact: Iordan Hristov
Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds (BSPB), P. O. Box 50, Sofia BG-1111, Bulgaria


Name of scheme: Monitoring čestih vrsta ptica poljoprivrednih staništa u Hrvatskoj (Common Farmland Bird Monitoring in Croatia)
Organisation: Institute for Environment and Nature, Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development
Status: ongoing
Start: 2015
Number of fieldworkers: 34
Species: 183
Habitats record: yes
Methods: point counts
Selection of plots: stratified semi-random
Sustainable support: yes
Contact: Vlatka Dumbović Mazal
Department for wild and domesticated taxa and habitats, Head of the Vertebrates Section, Croatian Agency for Environment and Nature (Hrvatska agencija za okoliš i prirodu), Radnicka 80/7, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia


Name of scheme: Πρόγραμμα Παρακολούθησης Κοινών Πουλιών – Common Birds Monitoring Scheme
Website: https://www.birdlifecyprus.org/common-land-bird-counts
Organisation: BirdLife Cyprus
Status: ongoing
Start: 2006
Number of fieldworkers: 18
Species: 45
Habitats record: no
Methods: line transects
Selection of plots: stratified semi-random
Sustainable support: no
Reference: Hellicar, M. & Ieronymidou, C. 2017. Ten years of the BirdLife Cyprus Common Bird Monitoring Scheme, 2006–2015. Bird Census News 30/1, 31–37
Contact: Christina Ieronymidou
BirdLife Cyprus, P. O. Box 12026, Nicosia 2090, Cyprus
Name of scheme: Western Cyprus Common Bird Census
Organisation: BirdLife Cyprus
Status: finished
Start: 2003
End: 2006
Number of fieldworkers: 4
Species: 40
Habitats record: yes
Methods: line transects
Selection of plots: stratified semi-random
Sustainable support: no
Contact: Derek Pomeroy
c/o Environmental Studies Centre, Box 79, Kritou Terra, Paphos 8724, Cyprus


Name of scheme: Jednotný program sčítání ptáků (JPSP); Breeding Bird Census Programme
Website: http://jpsp.birds.cz
Organisation: Czech Society for Ornithology
Status: ongoing
Start: 1982
Number of fieldworkers: 78
Species: 107
Habitats record: yes
Methods: point counts
Selection of plots: free choice
Sustainable support: partial
Reference: Storch D., Koleček J., Keil P., Vermouzek Z., Voříšek P., Reif J. 2023: Decomposing trends in bird populations: Climate, life histories and habitat affect different aspects of population change. Diversity and distributions.
Report on Breeding Bird Monitoring Programme in Czechia in 2017.
REIF J., PRYLOVÁ K., ŠIZLING A. L., VERMOUZEK Z., ŠŤASTNÝ K. and BEJČEK V. 2013: Changes in bird community composition in the Czech Republic from 1982 to 2004: increasing biotic homogenization, impacts of warming climate, but no trend in species richness. Journal of Ornithology 154: 359-370.
REIF J. FLOUSEK J. 2012: The role of species‘ ecological traits in climatically driven altitudinal range shifts of central European birds. Oikos 121: 1053-1060.
Reif, J., Voříšek, P., Šťastný, K. and Bejček, V. 2006: Population trends of birds in the Czech Republic during 1982-2005. Sylvia 42: 22-37. (in Czech with English summary)
Contact: Zdeněk Vermouzek
Czech Society for Ornithology, Na Bělidle 34, 150 00 Praha 5, Czech Republic
Jiří Reif
Institute for Environmental Studies, Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Science, Benatska 2, 128 01 Praha 2
Petr Voříšek
Czech Society for Ornithology, Na Bělidle 34, 150 00 Praha 5, Czech Republic
Name of scheme: Liniové sčítání druhů (LSD); Breeding Bird Survey Czechia
Website: http://www.birdlife.cz/lsd/
Organisation: Czech Society for Ornithology; www.birdlife.cz
Status: ongoing
Start: 2018
Number of fieldworkers: 89
Species: 100
Habitats record: yes
Methods: line transects
Selection of plots: stratified random
Sustainable support: partial
Contact: Zdeněk Vermouzek
Czech Society for Ornithology, Na Bělidle 34, 150 00 Praha 5, Czech Republic
Jiří Reif
Institute for Environmental Studies, Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Science, Benatska 2, 128 01 Praha 2
Petr Voříšek
Czech Society for Ornithology, Na Bělidle 34, 150 00 Praha 5, Czech Republic
Name of scheme: White Stork count
Website: http://cap.birdlife.cz
Organisation: Czech Society for Ornithology
Status: ongoing
Start: 2014
Number of fieldworkers: 1141
Species: 1
Habitats record: no
Methods: other
Selection of plots: other
Sustainable support: no
Contact: Gabriela Dobruská
Czech Society for Ornithology, Na Bělidle 34, 150 00 Praha 5, Czechia
Name of scheme: Bird Hour – winter bird feeder count (Ptačí hodinka)
Website: http://krmitka.birdlife.cz
Organisation: Czech Society for Ornithology
Status: ongoing
Start: 2019
Number of fieldworkers: 21725
Species: 100
Habitats record: yes
Methods: other
Selection of plots: free choice
Sustainable support: no
Contact: Alena Skálová
Czech Society for Ornithology, Na Bělidle 34, 150 00 Praha 5, Czechia


Name of scheme: Punkttællingsprogrammet (Point count census of breeding and wintering birds)
Website: http://www.dof.dk/punkt
Organisation: DOF/BirdLife Denmark (Danish Ornithological Society)
Status: ongoing
Start: 1975
Number of fieldworkers: 348
Species: 124
Habitats record: yes
Methods: point counts
Selection of plots: free choice
Sustainable support: yes
Reference: M.F. Jørgensen & N.Y. Ali, (2022): Overvågning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2021. Årsrapport for Punkttællingsprogrammet. Dansk Ornitologisk Forening.
Eskildsen, D.P., Vikstrøm, T, Jørgensen, M.F. & Moshøj, C.M.M. 2020: Overvågning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2019. Årsrapport for Punkttællingsprogrammet. Dansk Ornitologisk Forening. (In Danish with an Enlish summary).
Moshøj, C.M., D.P. Eskildsen, T. Nyegaard, M.F. Jørgensen, T. Vikstrøm (2017): Overvågning af de almindelige fuglearter I Danmark 1975-2016. Årsrapport for Punkttællingsprogrammet. Dansk Ornitologisk Forening (In Danish with an English summary).
Nyegaard, T., Larsen, J.D., Brandtberg, N. & Jørgensen, M. F. (2015): Overvågning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2014. Årsrapport for Punkttællingsprojektet. Dansk Ornitologisk Forening. (in Danish with English summary)
Heldbjerg, H., Brandtberg, N. & Lerche-Jørgensen, M. F. (2014): Overvågning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2013. Årsrapport for Punkttællingsprojektet. Dansk Ornitologisk Forening. (in Danish with English summary)
Contact: Thomas Vikstrøm
Dansk Ornitologisk Forening (DOF - BirdLife DK), Vesterbrogade 140, DK 1620, Copenhagen V, Denmark
Daniel Palm Eskildsen
DOF/BirdLife Denmark (Danish Ornithological Society), Vesterbrogade 140, DK 1620, Copenhagen V, Denmark140, DK 1620, Copenhagen V, Denmark
Name of scheme: White-tailed Eagle as ambassador for nature; Havørnen som Naturambassadør
Website: https://www.dof.dk/naturbeskyttelse/arter/orne/gps-orn
Organisation: DOF / Birdlife Denmark
Status: ongoing
Start: 2016
Number of fieldworkers: 3
Species: 1
Habitats record: no
Methods: other
Selection of plots: other
Sustainable support: no
Contact: Daniel Palm Eskildsen
DOF/BirdLife Denmark (Danish Ornithological Society), Vesterbrogade 140, DK 1620, Copenhagen V, Denmark140, DK 1620, Copenhagen V, Denmark
Note: Methods: GPS-tracking of white-tailed eagles combined with outreach projects such as www.ørnetv.dk. By tracking White-tailed eagles with GPS-transmitters and combining with public outreach, we hope to better understand this species' habitat requirements, hope to better manage and protect it and raise awareness.
Name of scheme: DOFbasen - Online portal in Denmark
Website: https://www.dofbasen.dk
Organisation: DOF/BirdLife Denmark
Status: ongoing
Start: 2002
Number of fieldworkers: 2600
Species: 480
Habitats record: no
Methods: other
Selection of plots: free choice
Sustainable support: no
Contact: Timme Nyegaard
DOF/BirdLife Denmark, , Vesterbrogade 138-140, DK-1620 Copenhagen V
Note: All birds of Denmark (ca. 480) plus all vertebrates except fish and selected butterflies are monitored.
Name of scheme: Montagu's Harrier Nest Protection; Projekt Hedehøg
Website: https://www.dof.dk/naturbeskyttelse/arter/projekter-om-hedehogen
Organisation: DOF/BirdLife Denmark
Status: ongoing
Start: 1995
Number of fieldworkers: 5
Species: 1
Habitats record: yes
Methods: territory mapping
Selection of plots: other
Sustainable support: yes
Contact: Timme Nyegaard
DOF/BirdLife Denmark, , Vesterbrogade 138-140, DK-1620 Copenhagen V
Note: Selection of plots: Locating all pairs in Denmark, fencing threatened nests.
Name of scheme: Rare Breeding Birds
Website: https://www.dof.dk/fakta-om-fugle/truede-og-sjaeldne-ynglefugle
Organisation: DOF/BirdLife Denmark; Projekt Truede og Sjældne Ynglefugle
Status: ongoing
Start: 1998
Number of fieldworkers: 100
Species: 30
Habitats record: no
Methods: territory mapping
Selection of plots: free choice
Sustainable support: yes
Contact: Timme Nyegaard
DOF/BirdLife Denmark, , Vesterbrogade 138-140, DK-1620 Copenhagen V

Faroe Islands

No bird monitoring scheme.


Name of scheme: Linnustonseuranta (Maalintujen linja- ja pistelaskennat) – Annual monitoring of breeding birds in Finland
Website: http://www.luomus.fi/fi/pesimalintujen-linja-pistelaskenta
Organisation: Zoological Museum, Finnish Museum of Natural History
Status: ongoing
Start: 1975
Number of fieldworkers: 111
Species: 160
Habitats record: yes
Methods: line transects
Selection of plots: random
Sustainable support: yes
Reference: Väisänen, R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Monitoring population changes of land bird species breeding in Finland in 1975–2017. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 16–31 (in Finnish with English summary).
Väisänen, R. A. & Lehikoinen, A. 2013: Suomen maalinnuston pesimäkannan vaihtelut vuosina 1975-2012. — Linnut vuosikirja 2013: 62–81.
Contact: Aleksi Lehikoinen
Zoological Museum, Finnish Museum of Natural History, P. O. Box 17, FI-00014, Helsinki, Finland
Name of scheme: Petolintuseuranta (Raptor Grid Scheme)
Website: https://www.luomus.fi/fi/petolintu-saaksiseuranta
Organisation: Zoological Museum, Finnish Museum of Natural History
Status: ongoing
Start: 1982
Number of fieldworkers: 300
Species: 14
Habitats record: yes
Methods: other
Selection of plots: other
Sustainable support: yes
Contact: Jari Valkama
Zoological Museum, Finnish Museum of Natural History, P.O. Box 17, FI-00014, Helsinki, Finland
Name of scheme: Vesilintulaskennat (Waterfowl Monitoring in Lakes)
Website: http://www.luomus.fi/fi/vesilintulaskenta
Organisation: Zoological Museum, Finnish Museum of Natural History and Finnish Game and Fisheries Institute
Status: ongoing
Start: 1986
Number of fieldworkers: 150
Species: 16
Habitats record: yes
Methods: point counts
Selection of plots: other
Sustainable support: yes
Reference: Laaksonen, T., Lehikoinen, A., Pöysä, H., Sirkiä, P. & Ikonen, K. 2019: Inland waterfowl population trends 1986–2018. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 46– 55 (in Finnish with English summary).
Contact: Juha Honkala
Zoological Museum, Finnish Museum of Natural History, P. O. Box 17, FI-00014, Helsinki, Finland
Note: Method: point counts and route surveys


Name of scheme: Suivi Temporel des Oiseaux Communs = STOC (French Breeding Bird Survey = FBBS)
Website: http://www.vigienature.fr/fr/suivi-temporel-des-oiseaux-communs-stoc
Organisation: Centre d'Écologie et des Sciences de la Conservation (UMR 7204) - Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle - CP 135 - 43 rue Buffon - 75005 Paris - France
Status: ongoing
Start: 1989
Number of fieldworkers: 8000
Species: 170
Habitats record: yes
Methods: point counts
Selection of plots: random
Sustainable support: yes

Jiguet F, Devictor V, Julliard R, Couvet D (2012) French citizens monitoring ordinary birds provide tools for conservation and ecological sciences. Acta Oecologica 44, 58-66
Contact: Benoît Fontaine
UMR7204 CESCO, 43 rue Buffon,CP135, 75005 Paris, France
Caroline Moussy
LPO France, Service Connaissance, 8 rue du Docteur Pujos, 17300 Rochefort
Frédéric Jiguet
UMR7204 CESCO, 43 rue Buffon,CP135, 75005 Paris, France


Name of scheme: German Common Breeding Bird Survey
Website: http://www.dda-web.de/mhb
Organisation: Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten e. V. (Federation of German Avifaunists), An den Speichern 2, 48157 Münster, Germany
Status: ongoing
Start: 2004
Number of fieldworkers: 1300
Species: 102
Habitats record: yes
Methods: line transects
Selection of plots: stratified random
Sustainable support: yes
Reference: Kamp, J., Frank, C., Trautmann, S. et al. Population trends of common breeding birds in Germany 1990–2018. J Ornithol 162, 1–15 (2021).
Sudfeldt, C., Dröschmeister, R., Wahl, J., Berlin, K., Gottschalk, T., Grüneberg, C., Mitschke, A., and S. Trautmann (2012): Vogelmonitoring in Deutschland. Programme und Anwendungen. Naturschutz und Biologische Vielfalt 119. 257p.
Contact: Sven Trautmann
DDA – Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, An den Speichern 2, 48157 Münster, Germany
Friederike Kunz
DDA – Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, An den Speichern 2, 48157 Münster, Germany
Note: The programme from 2011 on completely replaces the former „Common Bird Census“ which started 1989 and ended in 2010.
Name of scheme: German Rare Breeding Bird Survey
Website: http://www.dda-web.de/msb
Organisation: Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten e. V. (Federation of German Avifaunists), An den Speichern 2, 48157 Münster, Germany
Status: ongoing
Start: 1977
Number of fieldworkers: 2000
Species: 90
Habitats record: no
Methods: complete counts
territory mapping
Selection of plots: free choice
Sustainable support: yes
Reference: Wahl, J., M. Busch, R. Dröschmeister, C. König, K. Koffijberg, T. Langgemach, C. Sudfeldt & S. Trautmann (2020): Vögel in Deutschland – Erfassung von Brutvögeln. DDA, BfN, LAG VSW, Münster.
Contact: Malte Busch
Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten e.V., An den Speichern 2, D-48157 Münster, Germany
Bettina Gerlach
Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten e.V., An den Speichern 2, 48157 Münster, Germany
Note: The German Rare Breeding Bird Survey coordinated by the Federation of German Avifaunists started in 1977 with six species. Since than species set continuously expanded. After 1990 the German Rare Breeding Bird Survey was combined with the monitoring programmes of the former German Democratic Republic. Methods of the scheme vary, depending on the species group surveyed (territory mapping within census areas, transect counts, tape-luring at fixed stops, colonial counts etc.).
Name of scheme: German Common Bird Census
Website: http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_alt&subsubcat=programm
Organisation: Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten e. V., Steckby
Status: finished
Start: 1989
End: 2010
Number of fieldworkers: 500
Species: 100
Habitats record: yes
Methods: line transects
point counts
territory mapping
Selection of plots: free choice
Sustainable support: yes
Reference: Flade, M., Grüneberg, C., Sudfeldt, C. & Wahl, J. (2008): Birds and Biodiversity in Germany – 2010 Target. DDA, NABU, DRV, DO-G, Münster.
Contact: Martin Flade
Landesamt für Umwelt, Gesundheit und Verbraucherschutz Brandenburg, Leiter Referat GR 3 Biosphärenreservat Schorfheide-Chorin/ Naturparke, Nord Hoher Steinweg 5-6 D, 16278 Angermünde, Germany


Name of scheme: counts of raptors and seabirds from migration points
Organisation: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society
Status: ongoing
Habitats record: yes
Methods: other
Selection of plots: other
Sustainable support: no
Contact: Charles Perez
GONHS, PO Box 843, Gibraltar


Name of scheme: Πρόγραμμα Παρακολούθησης των Κοινών Ειδών Πουλιών της Ελλάδας – Hellenic Common Bird Monitoring Scheme (HCBMS)
Website: https://www.ornithologiki.gr/el/oi-draseis-mas/diatirisi-erevna/parakoloythisi-katagrafi-poulion/117-programma-parakoloythisis-ton-koinon-eidon-poulion-tis-elladas
Organisation: Hellenic Ornithological Society (HOS)
Status: ongoing
Start: 2007
Number of fieldworkers: 10
Species: 233
Habitats record: yes
Methods: point counts
Selection of plots: stratified random
Sustainable support: no
Reference: D. Portolou & V. Kati (2017). “Abundance and distribution of selected species – SEBI 01”. In: Kati V (Ed) “Greece-the state of environment 2015-2016: Nature and biodiversity. National report”. National Center of Environment and Sustainable Development, Athens, pp 3-20 – 3-36 [In Greek].
Portolou, D. (2016) The Hellenic Common Bird Monitoring Scheme. Bird Census News, 28/1: 30–33.
Contact: Danae Portolou
Themistokleous str 80, Athens 10681, Greece


Name of scheme: Mindennapi Madaraink Monitoringja, MMM (Monitoring of our common birds)
Website: http://mmm.mme.hu/
Organisation: MME BirdLife Hungary
Status: ongoing
Start: 1999
Number of fieldworkers: 1000
Species: 420
Habitats record: yes
Methods: point counts
Selection of plots: stratified random
Sustainable support: no
Reference: Szép T., Nagy K., Nagy Zs., Halmos G. (2012): Population trends of common breeding and wintering birds in Hungary, decline of long-distance migrant and farmland birds during 1999-2012. Ornis Hungarica 20(2): 13-63.
Szép, T. and Gibbons, D. (2000): Monitoring of common breeding birds in Hungary using a randomised sampling design. The Ring 22: 45-55.
Contact: Tibor Szép
University of Nyíregyháza, Sóstói út 31/B, H-4400 Nyíregyháza
Károly Nagy
MME BirdLife Hungary Monitoring Centre, P. O. Box 286, H-4401 Nyiregyháza, Hungary


Name of scheme: monitoring of ptarmigan population
Organisation: Icelandic Institute of Natural History
Status: ongoing
Habitats record: yes
Methods: other
Selection of plots: other
Sustainable support: no
Contact: Ólafur K. Nielsen
Icelandic Institute of Natural History
Name of scheme: monitoring of woodland birds
Organisation: Icelandic Institute of Natural History
Status: finished
Habitats record: yes
Methods: other
Selection of plots: other
Sustainable support: no
Contact: Ólafur K. Nielsen
Icelandic Institute of Natural History
Name of scheme: Bjargfuglar – cliff breeding seabirds
Organisation: University of Iceland
Status: ongoing
Habitats record: yes
Methods: other
Selection of plots: other
Sustainable support: no
Contact: Prof. Arnthor Gardarsson
Institute of Biology, University of Iceland, Askja, Sturlugata 7, IS-101 Reykjavik, Iceland
Name of scheme: Mýraeldar – effect of wildfires on birds
Organisation: Icelandic Institute of Natural History
Status: ongoing
Habitats record: yes
Methods: other
Selection of plots: other
Sustainable support: no
Contact: Gudmundur A. Gudmundsson
Icelandic Institute of Natural History, P.O.Box 5320, IS-125 Reykjavik, Iceland


Name of scheme: Countryside Bird Survey (CBS)
Website: https://birdwatchireland.ie/our-work/surveys-research/research-surveys/countryside-bird-survey/
Organisation: BirdWatch Ireland, and the National Parks and Wildlife Service
Status: ongoing
Start: 1998
Number of fieldworkers: 300
Species: 55
Habitats record: yes
Methods: line transects
Selection of plots: stratified random
Sustainable support: yes
Reference: Lewis, L. J., Coombes, R. H., Burke, B., Tierney, T. D., Cummins, S., Walsh, A. J., Ryan, N. & O’Halloran, J. (2020) Countryside Bird Survey report. 1998-2019. BirdWatch Ireland. Wicklow.
Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals, No. 115. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.
Crowe, O., Coombes, R.H., Lysaght, L., O´Brien, C., Choudhury, K.R., Walsh, A.J. , Wilson, J.H. and O´Halloran, J. (2010): Population trends of widespread breeding birds in the Republic of Ireland 1998-2008. Bird Study 57 (3): 267 – 280.
Coombes, R.H., Crowe, O., Lauder, A., Lysaght, L., O´Brien, C., O´Halloran, J., O´Sullivan, O., Tierney, T.D., Walsh, A.J. and Wilson, H.J. (2009): Countryside Bird Survey Report 1998-2007. BirdWatch Ireland, Wicklow.
Contact: Lesley Lewis
Unit 20, Block D, Bullford Business Campus, Kilcoole, Greystones, Co. Wicklow, A63 RW83, Ireland
Dick Coombes
Unit 20, Block D, Bullford Business Campus, Kilcoole, Greystones, Co. Wicklow, A63 RW83, Ireland

Isle of Man

No bird monitoring scheme.


Name of scheme: MITO2000 (Monitoraggio ITaliano Ornitologico)
Website: http://www.mito2000.it/
Organisation: Coordinamento Mito – Centro Italiano Studi Ornitologici (CISO) – LIPU BirdLife Italy – Associazione FaunaViva – D.R.E.Am Italia
Status: ongoing
Start: 2000
Number of fieldworkers: 133
Species: 103
Habitats record: yes
Methods: point counts
Selection of plots: stratified random
Sustainable support: yes
Reference: Rete Rurale Nazionale & Lipu (2020). Common breeding farmland birds in Italy. Update of population trends and Farmland Bird Indicator for National Rural Network 2000-2020.
Rete Rurale Nazionale & Lipu (2021). Farmland Bird Index nazionale e andamenti di popolazione delle specie in Italia nel periodo 2000-2020
Campedelli T., Buvoli L., Bonazzi P., Calabrese L., Calvi G., Celada C., Cutini S., De Carli E., Forsasari L., Fulco E., La Gioia G., Londi G., Rossi P., Silva L. & Tellini Florenzano G. 2012. Andamenti di popolazione delle specie comuni nidificanti in Italia: 2000-2011. Avocetta 36: 121-143.
Campedelli T., Tellini Florenzano G., Sorace A., Fornasari L., Londi G. & Mini L. 2009. Species selection to develop an Italian Farmland Bird Index. Avocetta 33 (2): 87-91.
Fornasari L., de Carli E., Buvoli L., Mingozzi T., Pedrini P., La Gioia G., Ceccarelli P., Tellini Florenzano G., Velatta F., Caliendo M.F., Santolini R. and Brichetti P. (2004): Secondo bollettino del progetto MITO2000: valutazioni metodologiche per il calcolo delle variazioni interannuali. Avocetta, 28: 5976.
Fornasari L., de Carli E., Brambilla S., Buvoli L., Maritan E. and Mingozzi T. (2002). Distribuzione dell´Avifauna nidificante in Italia: primo bollettino del progetto di Monitoraggio MITO2000. Avocetta, 26: 59-115.
Fornasari, L. and de Carli, E. (2002): A new project on breeding bird monitoring in Italy. Bird Census News 15(2): 42-54.
Contact: Laura Silva
Lega Italiana Protezione Uccelli (LIPU), Via Trento 49, IT-43100, Parma
Gianpiero Calvi
Mattia Brambilla
Lombardy Foundation for the Environment


No bird monitoring scheme.


Name of scheme: Latvijas ligzdojošo putnu uzskaites (Latvian Breeding Bird Monitoring scheme)
Website: https://www.lob.lv/programmas/sugas/ligzdojoso-putnu-monitorings/
Organisation: Latvian Ornithological Society
Status: ongoing
Start: 2005
Number of fieldworkers: 51
Species: 110
Habitats record: no
Methods: line transects
Selection of plots: random
Sustainable support: yes
Reference: AINĀRS AUNIŅŠ 2021: Parasto putnu skaita pārmaiņas 2005–2020: dilstošo sugu skaits turpina pieaugt. Putni dabā 89 (2021/1)
Auniņš A. 2018. Declines in breeding birds continue: the most affected are the species wintering in Africa and farmland birds. (in Latvian) Putni dabā 2018, 10–15.
Auninš, A. (red.) 2018: Monitoring of the Latvian Breeding Birds. Methodology of counts. Version 2.0 (in Latvian). Riga, Latvian Ornithological Society.
Auniņš A. 2017. Unfavourable population trends for many common specie. (in Latvian) Putni dabā 2017 (1), 8–14.
Auninš, A., 2016. How populations of the breeding birds have changed in last 10 years? (in Latvian) Putni dabā 2016, 10–15.
Auninš, A., 2015. Latvian breeding bird counts : changes in abundance of the common birds 2005 – 2014. (in Latvian) Putni dabā 2015, 8–15.
Auninš, A. 2013. Changes in Abundance of Common Birds in Latvia during the Last Seven Years. Putni dabā 2013/1, 10 – 13.
Auninš, A. 2009: The new Latvian breeding bird monitoring scheme: sampling design, methods and first results. Bird Census News 22/2: 51 – 62.
Contact: Ainars Auninš
Jelgavas iela 1, Riga, LV-1004, Latvia
Note: There is a combination of methods of plot selection: systematic and random
Name of scheme: Monitoring of birds and habitats in agricultural lands
Organisation: Latvian Fund for Nature
Status: finished
Start: 1995
End: 2006
Number of fieldworkers: 6
Species: 25
Habitats record: yes
Methods: point counts
Selection of plots: random
Sustainable support: yes
Reference: Auninš, A., Priednieks, J., 2009. Recent changes in agricultural landscape and bird populations in Latvia: impacts and prospects of EU agricultural policy. Avocetta 33, 93–98.
Auninš, A., Priednieks, J. 2008: Ten years of farmland bird monitoring in Latvia: population changes 1995-2004. Revista Catalana d´Ornitologia 24: 53-64.
Auninš, A. and Priednieks, J. 2003: Bird population changes in Latvian farmland 1995-2000: responses to different scenarios of rural development. Ornis Hungarica 12-13: 41-50.
Contact: Ainars Auninš
Jelgavas iela 1, Riga, LV-1004, Latvia
Name of scheme: Breeding Bird Counts
Organisation: University of Latvia
Status: finished
Start: 1983
End: 1994
Number of fieldworkers: 7
Species: 30
Habitats record: no
Methods: line transects
Selection of plots: free choice
Sustainable support: yes
Contact: Janis Priednieks
Jelgavas iela 1, Riga, LV-1004, Latvia
Name of scheme: Naktsputnu uzskaites (Nightbird monitoring scheme, previously called Corncrake monitoring scheme)
Website: http://www.lob.lv/lv/programmas/naktsputni.php
Organisation: Latvian Ornithological Society
Status: ongoing
Start: 2006
Number of fieldworkers: 35
Species: 15
Habitats record: yes
Methods: territory mapping
Selection of plots: other
Sustainable support: yes
Contact: Oskars Keišs
Laboratory of Ornithology, Institute of Biology, Jelgavas iela 1–718, LV–1004, Rīga, Latvia


Name of scheme: Monitoring of Breeding Birds
Organisation: Botanisch-Zoologische Gesellschaft
Status: ongoing
Start: 1981
Number of fieldworkers: 1
Species: 30
Habitats record: no
Methods: territory mapping
Selection of plots: other
Sustainable support: no
Contact: Georg Willi
Rennhofstr. 8, FL-9493 Mauren


Name of scheme: Įprastų paukščių populiacijų gausos stebėsena (ĮPGS) – Lithuanian Common Bird Monitoring scheme
Website: http://www.virtualusprocesai.lt/ipgs/index.php
Organisation: Lithuanian Ornithological Society
Status: ongoing
Start: 1994
Number of fieldworkers: 35
Species: 70
Habitats record: yes
Methods: point counts
Selection of plots: stratified random
Sustainable support: partial
Reference: Kurlavičius P., Kiserauskaitė R., Nebilevičius Š. 2017. Biologinės įvairovės poveikio rodiklio „Kaimo paukščių populiacijų indikatorius“ nustatymas ir biologinės įvairovės kaitos vertinimas”. Tarpinė ataskaita. Lietuvos ornitologų draugija ir Lietuvos žemės ūkio ministerija. Vilnius. 55 p.
Kurlavičius P., Kiserauskaitė R., Nebilevičius Š. 2014. Biologinės įvairovės poveikio rodiklio „Kaimo paukščių populiacijų indikatorius“ identifikavimas 2013–2014 metais. Galutinė ataskaita. Lietuvos ornitologų draugija ir Lietuvos žemės ūkio ministerija. Vilnius. 229 p.
Kurlavičius P., Kiserauskaitė R., Mozgeris G., Nebilevičius Š. 2011. Biologinės įvairovės poveikio rodiklio „Paukščių populiacija žemės ūkio naudmenose“ identifikavimas 2010–2011 metais. Baigiamoji ataskaita. Lietuvos ornitologų draugija ir Lietuvos žemės ūkio ministerija. Vilnius. 235 p.
Kurlavičius P. 2004. Monitoring of breeding birds in Lithuania. In: Anselin, A. (ed.) Bird Numbers 1995, Proceedings of the International Conference and 13th Meeting of the European Bird Census Council, Parnu, Estonia. Bird census news 13 (2000): 77-80.
Contact: Petras Kurlavičius
Lietuvos Ornitologu Draugija (LOD), Naugarduko St. 47-3, LT-03208, Vilnius, Lithuania


Name of scheme: Common Bird Monitoring
Organisation: natur&ëmwelt a.s.b.l.
Status: ongoing
Start: 2009
Number of fieldworkers: 25
Species: 120
Habitats record: no
Methods: line transects
territory mapping
Selection of plots: stratified random
Sustainable support: yes
Contact: Cindy Redel
Centrale Ornithologique, natur&ëmwelt a.s.b.l. (BirdLife Luxembourg), Kockelscheuer, L-1899, Luxembourg
Name of scheme: Monitoring of Breeding Birds
Organisation: LNVL
Status: finished
Start: 2002
End: 2003
Number of fieldworkers: 6
Species: 60
Habitats record: yes
Methods: point counts
territory mapping
Selection of plots: random
Sustainable support: yes
Contact: Patric Lorgé
Centrale Ornithologique LNVL, Lëtzebuerger Natur- a Vulleschutzliga (BirdLife Luxembourg), Kockelscheuer, L-1899, Luxembourg
Gilles Biver
Centrale Ornithologique LNVL, Lëtzebuerger Natur- a Vulleschutzliga (BirdLife Luxembourg), Kockelscheuer, L-1899, Luxembourg


Name of scheme: Common bird Monitoring Scheme – Macedonia
Organisation: Macedonian Ecological Society (MES)
Status: pilot
Start: 2007
Habitats record: yes
Methods: line transects
Selection of plots: stratified random
Sustainable support: no
Contact: Metodija Velevski
MES, seat: Vladimir Nazor Str.10, 1000 Skopje, Macedonia


Name of scheme: Breeding Bird Surveys, BirdLife Malta
Website: https://birdlifemalta.org/
Organisation: BirdLife Malta
Status: ongoing
Start: 2008
Number of fieldworkers: 30
Species: 45
Habitats record: yes
Methods: other
Selection of plots: stratified random
Sustainable support: partial
Reference: Epsilon Malta Ltd, N. C. C. (2019) Malta Breeding Bird Atlas 2018. Wild Birds Regulation Unit, Ministry for the Environment, Sustainable Development and Climate Change, Malta
Barbara, N., Wheatley H. (2013) Farmland Bird Report 2013, BirdLife Malta, Malta.
Raine, A., Webb, P. (2010) Farmland Bird Report 2010, BirdLife Malta, Malta.
Raine, A. (2009) Farmland Bird Report 2009, BirdLife Malta, Malta.
Raine, A., Sultana, J., & Gillings, S. (2009) Malta Breeding Bird Atlas: 2008. BirdLife Malta, Malta.
Contact: Nicholas Barbara
BirdLife Malta
Nicholas Galea
BirdLife Malta
Note: Bird monitoring took place irregulary, in 2008–2010, 2013, and 2017–2018. Since 2023, a regular monitoring scheme has been running. The method used is hybrid point counts based and line transects.


Name of scheme: Common Bird Monitoring
Organisation: SPPN
Status: ongoing
Start: 2022
Number of fieldworkers: 9
Species: 96
Habitats record: yes
Methods: point counts
Selection of plots: free choice
Sustainable support: partial
Contact: Silvia Ursul
Vitalie Ajder


No bird monitoring scheme.


Name of scheme: BMP A – All breeding bird species project
Website: https://www.sovon.nl/nl/BMP
Organisation: Sovon (Dutch Centre for Field Ornithology) and Statistics Netherlands
Status: ongoing
Start: 1984
Number of fieldworkers: 1600
Species: 100
Habitats record: yes
Methods: territory mapping
Selection of plots: free choice
Sustainable support: yes
Contact: Michiel (Chiel) Boom
SOVON, PO Box 6521, 6503 GA Nijmegen, Netherlands
Name of scheme: BMP W – Meadow bird species project
Website: https://www.sovon.nl
Organisation: Sovon (Dutch Centre for Field Ornithology), Provincial organisations and Statistics Netherlands
Status: ongoing
Start: 1990
Number of fieldworkers: 400
Species: 21
Habitats record: yes
Methods: territory mapping
Selection of plots: free choice
Sustainable support: yes
Name of scheme: BMP B – Scarce breeding species project
Website: https://www.sovon.nl
Organisation: Sovon (Dutch Centre for Field Ornithology) and Statistics Netherlands
Status: ongoing
Start: 1990
Number of fieldworkers: 400
Species: 50
Habitats record: yes
Methods: territory mapping
Selection of plots: free choice
Sustainable support: yes
Name of scheme: BMP Z – Rare breeding species project
Website: https://www.sovon.nl
Organisation: Sovon (Dutch Centre for Field Ornithology) and Statistics Netherlands
Status: ongoing
Start: 1990
Number of fieldworkers: 500
Species: 60
Habitats record: yes
Methods: territory mapping
Selection of plots: free choice
Sustainable support: yes
Name of scheme: Colonial breeding bird census
Website: https://www.sovon.nl
Organisation: Sovon (Dutch Centre for Field Ornithology) and Statistics Netherlands
Status: ongoing
Start: 1990
Number of fieldworkers: 1000
Species: 17
Habitats record: yes
Methods: territory mapping
Selection of plots: free choice
Sustainable support: yes
Name of scheme: MUS – Urban breeding species project
Website: https://www.sovon.nl
Organisation: Sovon (Dutch Centre for Field Ornithology)
Status: ongoing
Start: 2007
Number of fieldworkers: 600
Species: 70
Habitats record: yes
Methods: point counts
Selection of plots: random
Sustainable support: yes
Name of scheme: MAS – Farmland breeding species project
Website: https://www.sovon.nl
Organisation: SOVON (Dutch Centre for Field Ornithology)
Status: ongoing
Start: 2008
Number of fieldworkers: 50
Species: 50
Habitats record: yes
Methods: point counts
Selection of plots: random
Sustainable support: yes


Name of scheme: Norsk hekkefuglovervåking (Norwegian breeding bird monitoring scheme)
Website: http://tov-e.nina.no/Fugl/Default.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2fFugl%2f
Organisation: BirdLife Norway and Norwegian institute for Nature Research
Status: ongoing
Start: 2005
Number of fieldworkers: 160
Species: 80
Habitats record: yes
Methods: point counts
Selection of plots: stratified random
Sustainable support: yes
Reference: Fraixedas, S., Lindén, A., Meller, K., Lindström, Å., Keišs, O., Kålås, J.A., Husby, M., Leivits, A., Leivits, M. & Lehikoinen, A. (2017) Substantial decline of Northern European peatland bird populations: consequences of drainage. Biological Conservation, 214, 223-232.
Lindström, Å., Green, M., Husby, M., Kålås, J.A. & Lehikoinen, A. (2015) Large-scale monitoring of waders on their boreal and arctic breeding grounds in northern Europe. Ardea, 103, 3-15.
Kålås, J. A., Husby, M., Nilsen, E. B. & Vang, R. (2014) Population dynamic for terrestrial birds in Norway 1996-2013. – NOF-Report 4-2014, BirdLife Norway, Trondheim. 36 pp (in Norwegian)
Lehikoinen, A., Green, M., Husby, M., Kålås, J.A. & Lindström, Å. (2014) Common montane birds are declining in northern Europe. – Journal of Avian Biology 45: 3-14.
Kålås, J.A., Husby, M. (2002) Monitoring program for terrestrial ecosystems. Extensive monitoring of terrestrial birds in Norge. – NINA Oppdragsmelding 740, 25 p. (In Norwegian with English summary)
Contact: John Atle Kålås
Norwegian institute for Nature Research, Postboks 5685 Sluppen, 7485 Trondheim, Norway
Ingar Jostein Øien
NOF-BirdLife Norway, Sandgata 30b, N-7012 Trondheim
Bård G. Stokke
Norwegian institute for Nature Research, Postboks 5685 Sluppen, 7485 Trondheim, Norway
Name of scheme: Norwegian Breeding Bird Census
Organisation: Norwegian Ornithological Society and Nord-Trøndelag University College
Status: finished
Start: 1995
End: 2008
Number of fieldworkers: 120
Species: 58
Habitats record: yes
Methods: point counts
Selection of plots: free choice
Sustainable support: no
Reference: Husby, M. (2003): Point count census using volunteers of terrestrial breeding birds in Norway, and its status after six years. Ornis Hungarica 12-13: 63-72.
Contact: Magne Husby
Section of Science, Nord University, 7600 Levanger, Norway


Name of scheme: Monitoring Pospolitych Ptaków Lęgowych (MPPL) (Common Birds Survey)
Website: https://monitoringptakow.gios.gov.pl/
Organisation: OTOP BirdLife Poland (2000–2006), Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (since 2007)
Status: ongoing
Start: 2000
Number of fieldworkers: 450
Species: 110
Habitats record: yes
Methods: line transects
Selection of plots: stratified random
Sustainable support: yes
Reference: Chodkiewicz T., Chylarecki P., Sikora A., Wardecki Ł., Bobrek R., Neubauer G., Marchowski D., Dmoch A., Kuczyński L. 2019. Raport z wdrażania art. 12 Dyrektywy Ptasiej w Polsce w latach 2013-2018: stan, zmiany, zagrożenia. Biuletyn Monitoringu Przyrody 20: 1–80. [in Polish; tables and graphs are also in English]
Chodkiewicz T., Chylarecki P., Sikora A., Wardecki Ł., Bobrek R., Neubauer G., Marchowski D., Dmoch A., Kuczyński L. 2019. Raport z wdrażania art. 12 Dyrektywy Ptasiej w Polsce w latach 2013-2018: stan, zmiany, zagrożenia. Biuletyn Monitoringu Przyrody 20: 1–80. [in Polish; tables and graphs are also in English] Chylarecki P., Chodkiewicz T., Neubauer G., Sikora A., Meissner W., Woźniak B., Wylegała P., Ławicki Ł., Marchowski D., Betleja J., Bzoma S., Cenian Z., Górski A., Korniluk M., Moczarska J., Ochocińska D., Rubacha S., Wieloch M., Zielińska M., Zieliński P., Kuczyński L. 2018. Trendy liczebności ptaków w Polsce. GIOŚ, Warszawa.
Contact: Tomasz Chodkiewicz, national coordinator of the project
Museum and Institute of Zoology Polish Academy of Science, Twarda 51/55, 00-818 Warszawa, Poland
Łukasz Wardecki
OTOP BirdLife Poland, , Szeroki Dunaj 5, 00-255 Warszawa, Poland
Paulina Siejka
Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection, Department of Environmental Monitoring, Al. Jerozolimskie 92, 00-807 Warszawa
Note: The project was conducted between 2000 and 2006 by OTOP BirdLife Poland. Since 2007, it has been included in the State Environmental Monitoring – programme realised by Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection and funded by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management.


Name of scheme: Censo de Aves Comuns (Common Bird Census)
Website: https://spea.pt/censos/censo-aves-comuns/
Organisation: SPEA – Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves (Portuguese Society for the Study of Birds – Birdlife Partner in Portugal)
Status: ongoing
Start: 2004
Number of fieldworkers: 120
Species: 64
Habitats record: yes
Methods: point counts
Selection of plots: free choice
Sustainable support: no
Reference: R., Gouveia, C., Rethoré, G., & Teodósio, J. 2022. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns 2004-2021. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa (relatório não publicado).
Alonso, H., Coelho, R., Gouveia, C., Rethoré, G., Leitão, D., & Teodósio, J. 2021. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns 2004-2020. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa (relatório não publicado).
Alonso, H., Coelho, R., Gouveia, C., Rethoré, G., Leitão, D., & Teodósio, J. 2020. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns 2004-2019. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa (relatório não publicado).
Alonso, H., Coelho, R., Costa, J., Gouveia, C., Leitão, D., Machado, R., & Teodósio, J. (2019). Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns 2004-2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa.
Meirinho, A., Leal, A., Marques, A.T., Fagundes, A.I., Sampaio, H., Costa, J.& Leitão, D. 2013. O estado das aves comuns em Portugal 2011: Relatório do projeto Censo de Aves Comuns. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa (relatório não publicado).
Hilton, G., Meirinho, A. and Elias, G. (2006): Common Bird Monitoring is up and running in Portugal. Bird Census News 19(1): 9-15.
Contact: Hany Alonso
SPEA – Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Av. Columbano Bordalo Pinheiro, 87, 3º Andar 1070-062 Lisboa
Joaquim Teodósio
Av. Columbano Bordalo Pinheiro, 87, 3º Andar 1070-062 Lisboa


Name of scheme: Common Bird Monitoring (CBM). In Romanian: Monitorizarea Pãsãrilor Comune (MPC)
Website: https://www.sor.ro/proiect/common-bird-monitoring/
Organisation: Romanian Ornithological Society, in cooperation with the Association for Bird and Nature Protection „Milvus Group“
Status: ongoing
Start: 2006
Number of fieldworkers: 34
Species: 102
Habitats record: yes
Methods: point counts
Selection of plots: stratified random
Sustainable support: no
Contact: Cristi Domşa
Societatea Ornitologică Română, Str. Gheorghe Dima, No. 49/2, 400336 Cluj-Napoca, România
Name of scheme: Monitoring of wintering geese in South-east Romania; Monitorizare a speciilor de gâște ce iernează în sud-estul României
Website: https://www.sor.ro/proiect/monitorizarea-gastelor-cu-gat-rosu/
Organisation: Romanian Ornithological Society/Birdlife Romania
Status: ongoing
Start: 2000
Number of fieldworkers: 31
Species: 8
Habitats record: yes
Methods: other
Selection of plots: other
Sustainable support: partial
Contact: Emil Todorov
Romanian Ornithological Society/Birdlife Romania, Bd. Hristo Botev, nr.3, ap. 6 Sector 3, Bucureşti, cod 030231
Note: Methods: Roost counts. Selection of plots: 29 pre-selected wetlands in South-east Romania.


Name of scheme: Moscow Region Common Birds Monitoring Scheme
Website: http://birdsmoscow.net.ru/monitoring-moscow/
Organisation: Zoological Museum of Moscow State University, Program „Birds of Moscow and the Moscow Region“
Status: ongoing
Start: 2006
Number of fieldworkers: 79
Species: 150
Habitats record: yes
Methods: line transects
Selection of plots: other
Sustainable support: no
Reference: Морковин, А. А., Волцит, О. В. & Калякин, М. В. Программа мониторинга гнездящихся птиц в Европейской части России: итоги первого десятилетия. Фауна и население птиц Европейской России 3–19 (KMK Scientific Press Ltd., 2022).
Morkovin, A.A., Voltzit, O.V., and Kalyakin, M.V. (2018) [On the results and opportunities of the common birds monitoring scheme in Russia]. Abstracts of 1st Russian ornithological congress (Tver, Russia, 29 January – 4 February 2018): 229–230. [in Russian]
Morkovin A. A., Kalyakin M. V., Voltzit O. V. 2017: First steps of a common birds monitoring scheme in the Moscow region, Russia. Die Vogelwelt_Vol. 137: 89–98.
Morkovin, A.A., Kalyakin, M.V., and Voltzit, O.V. (2017) [The project of birds monitoring in the Moscow region: the results of 2011–2016]. Russian Ornithological Journal, 26 (1452): 2219–2233. [in Russian]
Kalyakin, M.V., Voltzit, O.V., and Morkovin, A.A. (2017) [To the establishing of the system of bird abundance monitoring in European part of Russia]. Population dynamics of birds in terrestrial landscapes. Proceedings of the Russian scientific conference (Zvenigorod biological station, Lomonosov Moscow State University, 17–21 March 2017): 335–338. [in Russian]
Morkovin, A.A., Kalyakin, M.V., and Voltzit, O.V. (2017) [The 2011–2016 results of the common bird monitoring program in Moscow and the Moscow region]. Population dynamics of birds in terrestrial landscapes. Proceedings of the Russian scientific conference (Zvenigorod biological station, Lomonosov Moscow State University, 17–21 March 2017): 108–118. [in Russian]
Morkovin A. A., Kalyakin M. V., Voltzit O. V. (2017) First steps of a common birds monitoring scheme in the Moscow region, Russia. Die Vogelwelt Vol. 137: 89–98.
Morkovin, A. and Voltzit, O. (2016) First steps of a common birds monitoring scheme in the Moscow region, Russia. — Busch, M. & Gedeon, K. (eds.) BirdNumbers 2016: Birds in a changing world. Programme and Abstracts of the 20th conference of the European Bird Census Council. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten Münster, p. 87.
Kalyakin, M., Voltzit, O., Morkovin, A., Preobrazhenskaya, E., and Mischenko, A. (2016) Review of investigations of bird number and its dynamic in European Russia. Busch, M. & Gedeon, K. (eds.) BirdNumbers 2016: Birds in a changing world. Programme and Abstracts of the 20th conference of the European Bird Census Council. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten Münster, p. 34.
Morkovin, A.A., Kalyakin, M.V., and Voltzit, O.V. (2016) [Population trends of common birds in the Moscow region]. The Fauna and Abundance of European Russia Birds. Annual report on the Programme Birds of Moscow City and the Moscow Region, 6: 573–586. [in Russian]
Contact: Anton A. Morkovin
Mikhail Kalyakin
Olga Voltzit
Name of scheme: White Stork nests monitoring scheme
Website: http://birdsmoscow.net.ru/stork-monitoring/
Organisation: Zoological Museum of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Program „Birds of Moscow and the Moscow Region“
Status: ongoing
Start: 2004
Number of fieldworkers: 15
Species: 1
Habitats record: yes
Methods: territory mapping
Selection of plots: other
Sustainable support: no
Reference: Шамина К.Ю. 2022. Итоги мониторинга гнёзд белого аиста в Московской области в 2022 году. — Московка. Новости программы Птицы Москвы и Подмосковья, 36: 31–34.
Шамина К.Ю. 2021. Итоги мониторинга гнёзд белого аиста в Московской области в 2021 году. — Московка. Новости программы Птицы Москвы и Подмосковья, 34: 4–8.
Шамина К.Ю. 2020. Итоги мониторинга гнёзд белого аиста в Московской области в 2020 году. — Московка. Новости программы Птицы Москвы и Подмосковья, 32: 8–15.
Шамина К.Ю. 2019. Итоги мониторинга гнёзд белого аиста в Московской области в 2019 году. — Московка. Новости программы Птицы Москвы и Подмосковья, 30: 2–5.
Шамина К.Ю. 2018. Итоги мониторинга гнёзд белого аиста в Московской области в 2018 году. — Московка. Новости программы Птицы Москвы и Подмосковья, 28: 5–9.
Шамина К.Ю. 2017. Итоги мониторинга гнёзд белого аиста в Московской области в 2017 году. — Московка. Новости программы Птицы Москвы и Подмосковья, 26: 3–9.
Shamina, E.Yu. (2016). [The results of the monitoring of White Stork nests in the Moscow Region in 2016]. Moskovka, 24: 3–6.
Shamina, E.Yu., Shamin, M.S., Andreeva, E.I. (2015). [The results of the monitoring of White Stork nests in the Moscow Region in 2015]. Moskovka, 22: 3–11.
Shamin, M.S., Shamina, E.Yu. (2014). [The short results of VII International account of White Stork nests in the Moscow Region in 2014]. Moskovka, 20: 15–20.
Shamin, M.S., Shamina, E.Yu. (2014). [Migration of the White Stork]. Moskovka, 20: 64–67.
Contact: Katrina Shamina (Chekulaeva)
Name of scheme: The International Breeding Conditions Survey on Arctic Birds; Программа сбора данных об условиях размножения арктических птиц
Website: http://www.arcticbirds.net/
Organisation: International Wader Study Group
Status: ongoing
Start: 1995
Habitats record: no
Methods: other
Selection of plots: other
Sustainable support: no
Contact: Pavel Tomkovich
Mikhail Soloviev
Name of scheme: Colonial waterfowl and near-water bird monitoringwaterfowl and near-water bird monitoring; Мониторинг водоплавающих и околоводных птиц
Website: http://www.knic-dpc.ksdar.ru/
Organisation: Kuban Research Center "Wildlife of the Caucasus"
Status: ongoing
Start: 1989
Species: 36
Habitats record: yes
Methods: line transects
Selection of plots: random
Sustainable support: yes
Contact: Yuriy Lokhman
Russia, Krasnodar Territory, 350087, Krasnodar, Teplichnaya st. 58 apt. 18
Note: Methods: line transects, point counts, territory mapping. Period of monitoring (e.g. from 1/4 - 15/7)
Name of scheme: "Eurasian Cristmas Bird Counts" ("PARUS"); "Евроазиатский Рождественский учет" ("PARUS")
Website: http://birdsmoscow.net.ru/parus-monitoring/
Organisation: Rusian Bird Conservation Union
Status: ongoing
Start: 1986
Number of fieldworkers: 150
Species: 70
Habitats record: yes
Methods: line transects
Selection of plots: free choice
Sustainable support: yes
Reference: Preobrazhenskaya, E. & Morkovin, A. PARUS program: wintering land bird monitoring in European Russia. BCN 33, 3–13 (2020).
Contact: Ekaterina Preobrazhenskaya
Ruusian Bird Conservation Union, Russia, Krasnodar Territory, 350087, Krasnodar, Teplichnaya st. 58 apt. 18
Note: Data from bird counts are stored in the Zoological monitoring database of the Institute of Systematics and Ecology of Animals (Novosibirsk). Mathematical data processing is carried out by Anton Morkovin (Zoological Museum of Moscow state University).
Name of scheme: Moscow Birds Survey
Website: http://birdsmoscow.net.ru/moscow-atlas/
Organisation: Zoological Museum of Moscow State University, Program „Birds of Moscow and the Moscow Region“
Status: finished
Start: 2006
End: 2018
Number of fieldworkers: 67
Species: 226
Habitats record: yes
Methods: territory mapping
Selection of plots: other
Sustainable support: no
Reference: Kalyakin, M., Voltzit, O., Groot Koerkamp, G. 2014. Atlas of the birds of Moscow City (in Russian and English). N.S. Morozov (ed.). Moscow, Fiton XXI. 332 p.
Kalyakin, M., Voltzit, O., Groot Koerkamp, G. 2013. Ornithological and practical results of the Project “Atlas of birds of Moscow City”. — Every bird counts. Book of abstracts of the 19th conference of the European Bird Census Council. Babes-Bolyai University, Romanian Ornithological Society, Cluj, Romania, p. 45.
Kalyakin, M.V. and Voltzit, O.V. (2012) [Moscow]. In: Birds of the cities of Russia. V.M. Khrabryi (Ed.). 250–297 pp.
[Birds of Moscow City: 2011, from square to square]. Proceedings of the Program Birds of Moscow City and the Moscow Region, Vol. 8. Kalyakin, M.V. and Voltzit, O.V. (eds.) (2012) 180 p.
New online maps and species lists contain information about new registrations or nest status increase for the period since finishing the complete Atlas survey in Moscow (2011-2017).
Contact: Mikhail Kalyakin
Olga Voltzit


Name of scheme: Monitoring obicnih vrsta – MOV (Common Birds Monitoring)
Website: http://www.ptica.org/
Organisation: League for Ornithological Action of Serbia
Status: finished
Start: 2010
Number of fieldworkers: 1
Habitats record: yes
Methods: line transects
Selection of plots: stratified random
Sustainable support: no
Contact: Brúnó Szokola-Simon
Radomira Raše Radujkova 1a, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia
Name of scheme: Common Bird Monitoring Scheme
Organisation: Bird Protection and Study Society of Serbia (BirdLife Serbia)
Status: ongoing
Start: 2021
Number of fieldworkers: 26
Species: 140
Habitats record: yes
Methods: line transects
Selection of plots: stratified random
Sustainable support: partial
Contact: Bruno Sokola-Šimon



Name of scheme: Monitoring of dispersed bird species in Slovakia (Sčítanie bežných druhov vtáctva)
Website: http://www.vtaky.sk/stranka/97-Scitanie-beznych-druhov.html
Organisation: Slovak ornithological society/BirdLife Slovakia
Status: ongoing
Start: 1994
Number of fieldworkers: 40
Species: 121
Habitats record: yes
Methods: point counts
Selection of plots: free choice
Sustainable support: no
Reference: Hološková, A. 2022. Vyhodnotenie trendov početnosti vtákov poľnohospodárskej krajiny, príčiny ohrozenia a odporúčania pre manažment ich biotopov. - SOS/BirdLife Slovakia, Bratislava, 79 pp.
Slabeyová, K., Ridzoň, J., & Kropil, R. (2009): Trendy početnosti bežných druhov vtákov na Slovensku v rokoch 2005-2009. Tichodroma 21: 1-13. (abstract in English)
Contact: Jozef Ridzoň
SOS/BirdLife Slovensko, Zelinárska 4, 821 08 Bratislava
Soňa Nuhlíčková


Name of scheme: Slovene monitoring of common farmland birds (Slovenski monitoring pogostih ptic kmetijske krajine)
Website: http://ptice.si/naravovarstvo-in-raziskave/monitoringi/sipkk/
Organisation: DOPPS-BirdLife Slovenia
Status: ongoing
Start: 2008
Number of fieldworkers: 39
Species: 81
Habitats record: yes
Methods: line transects
Selection of plots: stratified non-random
Sustainable support: yes
Reference: Kmecl P, Gamser M (2021): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za določitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - delno poročilo za leto 2021. (Monitoring of common bird species for the determination of Slovenian farmland bird index - partial report for the year 2021) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.
Latest report 2017.
Kmecl, P. (2019): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za določitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - delno poročilo za leto 2019. (Monitoring of common bird species for the determination of Slovenian farmland bird index - partial report for the year 2019.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana (abstract in English).
Contact: Primož Kmecl
DOPPS-BirdLife Slovenia, Tržaška cesta 2, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Name of scheme: Monitoring of selected qualifying bird species of Natura 2000 sites; Monitoring populacij izbranih ciljnih vrst ptic na območjih Natura 2000
Website: https://www.ptice.si/publikacije/strokovna-porocila
Organisation: DOPPS-BirdLife Slovenia
Status: ongoing
Start: 2004
Number of fieldworkers: 50
Species: 18
Habitats record: no
Methods: other
Selection of plots: random
Sustainable support: yes
Reference: Monitoring reports are published each year on our website
Božič L., Denac D. (2017): Population dynamics of five riverbed breeding bird species on the lower Drava River, NE Slovenia. Acrocephalus 38 (174/175): 85–126.
Stanič D., Kmecl P., Figelj J., Sovinc A. (2017): Gnezditveni areal, velikost populacije in populacijski trend vrtnega strnada Emberiza hortulana v Sloveniji v obdobju med letoma 1979 in 2016. Acrocephalus 38 (172/173): 7–24.
Denac K. (2013): Velikost in razširjenost populacije velikega škurha Numenius arquata na Ljubljanskem barju v letih 2011 in 2012. Acrocephalus 34 (156/157): 33–41.
Denac D. (2010): Population dynamics of the White Stork Ciconia ciconia in Slovenia between 1999 and 2010. Acrocephalus 31 (145/146): 101–114
Božič L., Denac D. (2010): Številčnost in razširjenost izbranih gnezdilk struge reke Drave med Mariborom in Središčem ob Dravi (SV Slovenija) v letih 2006 in 2009 ter vzroki za zmanjšanje njihovih populacij. Acrocephalus 31 (144): 27–45.
Denac K. (2009): Habitat selection of Eurasian Scops Owl Otus scops on the northern border of its range in Europe. Ardea 97 (4): 535–540.
Božič L. (2005): Populacija kosca Crex crex na Ljubljanskem barju upada zaradi zgodnje košnje in uničevanja ekstenzivnih travnikov. Acrocephalus 26 (124): 3–21.
Božič L. (2005): Gnezditvena razširjenost in velikost populacije kosca Crex crex v Sloveniji leta 2004. Acrocephalus 26 (127): 171–179.
Contact: Katarina Denac
DOPPS-BirdLife Slovenia, Tržaška cesta 2, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Note: Methods: line transects, point counts, area count. Selection of plots: preselected by DOPPS based on suitable habitat for individual species.


Name of scheme: Common Breeding Bird Monitoring Scheme („SACRE“)
Website: http://www.seo.org/sacre
Organisation: SEO/BirdLife
Status: ongoing
Start: 1996
Number of fieldworkers: 816
Species: 120
Habitats record: yes
Methods: point counts
Selection of plots: random
Sustainable support: partial
Reference: Escandell, V. y Escudero, E. 2022. Sacre. Tendencia de las aves comunes. En, SEO/BirdLife. Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2021, pp. 64-67. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid.
SEO/BirdLife 2013. SEO/BirdLife bird monitoring programmes in 2012. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (in English)
SEO/BirdLife, 2012. SEO/BirdLife 2011. Birds monitoring programmes. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (in English)
All the Spanish reports
Contact: Virginia Escandell
Sociedad Española de Ornitología (SEO/BirdLife), Melquíades Biencinto 34 ES-28053, Madrid, Spain
Juan Carlos del Moral
Sociedad Española de Ornitología (SEO/BirdLife), Melquíades Biencinto 34 ES-28053, Madrid, Spain
Name of scheme: Seguiment dels Ocells Comuns de Catalunya – Catalan Common Bird Survey (SOCC)
Website: https://socc.cat/socc/
Organisation: Catalan Ornithological Institute
Status: ongoing
Start: 2002
Number of fieldworkers: 279
Species: 147
Habitats record: no
Methods: line transects
Selection of plots: stratified semi-random
Sustainable support: yes
Reference: Programa SOCC 20/2022
ICO. 2021. Disetè informe del Programa de Seguiment d’Ocells Comuns a Catalunya (SOCC). Institut Català d’Ornitologia, Barcelona (In Catalan with English summary)
Contact: Sergi Herrando
Catalan Ornithological Institute, Natural History Museum of Barcelona, Plaça Leonardo da Vinci 4-5, 08019 Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
Marc Anton
Catalan Ornithological Institute, Natural History Museum of Barcelona, Plaça Leonardo da Vinci 4-5, 08019 Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
Lluís Brotons
Catalan Ornithological Institute, Natural History Museum of Barcelona, Plaça Leonardo da Vinci 4-5, 08019 Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
Name of scheme: Owls and Nightjars Breeding Monitoring Scheme („NOCTUA“)
Website: https://www.seo.org/noctua-4/
Organisation: SEO/BirdLife
Status: ongoing
Start: 1998
Number of fieldworkers: 568
Species: 8
Habitats record: yes
Methods: point counts
Selection of plots: other
Sustainable support: no
Reference: SEO/BirdLife 2013. SEO/BirdLife bird monitoring programmes in 2012. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (in English)
SEO/BirdLife, 2012. SEO/BirdLife 2011. Birds monitoring programmes. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (in English)
All the Spanish reports
Contact: Virginia Escandell
Sociedad Española de Ornitología (SEO/BirdLife), Melquíades Biencinto 34 ES-28053, Madrid, Spain
Juan Carlos del Moral
Sociedad Española de Ornitología (SEO/BirdLife), Melquíades Biencinto 34 ES-28053, Madrid, Spain
Name of scheme: Wintering Bird Monitoring Scheme („SACIN“)
Website: http://www.seo.org/sacin
Organisation: SEO/BirdLife
Status: ongoing
Start: 2008
Number of fieldworkers: 762
Species: 180
Habitats record: yes
Methods: line transects
Selection of plots: stratified random
Sustainable support: no
Reference: SEO/BirdLife 2013. SEO/BirdLife bird monitoring programmes in 2012. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (in English)
SEO/BirdLife, 2012. SEO/BirdLife 2011. Birds monitoring programmes. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (in English)
All the Spanish reports
Contact: Virginia Escandell
Sociedad Española de Ornitología (SEO/BirdLife), Melquíades Biencinto 34 ES-28053, Madrid, Spain
Juan Carlos del Moral
Sociedad Española de Ornitología (SEO/BirdLife), Melquíades Biencinto 34 ES-28053, Madrid, Spain
Name of scheme: Migra Program; Programa Migra
Website: http://www.migraciondeaves.org/en/
Organisation: SEO/BirdLife
Status: ongoing
Start: 2011
Habitats record: no
Selection of plots: random
Sustainable support: yes
Reference: Bécares, J.; Blas, J.; López-López, P.; Schulz, H.; Torres-Medina, F.; Flack, A.; Enggist, P.; Höfle, U.; Bermejo, A. y De la Puente, J. 2019. Migración y ecología espacial de la cigüeña blanca en España. Monografía n.º 5 del programa Migra. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid.
Cruz-Flores, M.; Ramos, R.; Sardá-Serra, M.; López-Souto, S.; Militão, T. y González-Solís, J. 2019. Migración y ecología espacial de la población española de petrel de Bulwer. Monografía nº 4 del programa Migra. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid.
Urios, V.; Bermejo, A.; Vidal-Mateo, J. y De la Puente, J. (Eds.) 2017. Migración y ecología espacial de la población española de águila calzada. Monografía n.º 2 del programa Migra. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid.
Reyes-González, J. M.; Zajková, Z.; Morera-Pujol, V.; De Felipe, F.; Militão, T.; Dell’Ariccia, G.; Ramos, R.; Igual, J. M.; Arcos, J. M. y González-Solís, J. 2017. Migración y ecología espacial de las poblaciones españolas de pardela cenicienta. Monografía n.º 3 del programa Migra. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid.
Bécares, J.; Arcos, J. M. y Oro, D. 2016. Migración y ecología espacial de la gaviota de Audouin en el Mediterráneo occidental y noroeste africano. Monografía n.º 1 del programa Migra. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid.
Contact: Ana Bermejo
SEO/BirdLife, C/ Melquiades Biencinto 34, E-28053 Madrid, Spain
Note: Method: Tracking birds bird remote devices. The aim is to study the spatial ecology and migration of all the birds species in Spain.
Name of scheme: National Census (Censos nacionales)
Website: https://www.seo.org/censos
Organisation: SEO/BirdLife
Status: ongoing
Start: 2004
Number of fieldworkers: 2000
Species: 170
Habitats record: yes
Methods: other
Selection of plots: random
Sustainable support: no
Contact: Juan Carlos Del Moral
SEO/BirdLife, Melquiades Biencinto, 34 28053 Madrid Spain
Note: Methods: Specific methodology for each species.
Name of scheme: Climate and Birds (Aves y Clima)
Website: https://www.seo.org/avesyclima/
Organisation: SEO/BirdLife
Status: ongoing
Start: 2005
Number of fieldworkers: 1175
Species: 66
Habitats record: no
Methods: other
Selection of plots: other
Sustainable support: no
Reference: Boletin Seguimento 2019 update
Contact: Blas Molina
SEO/BirdLife, Melquiades Biencinto, 34 28053 Madrid Spain
Juan Carlos Del Moral
SEO/BirdLife, Melquiades Biencinto, 34 28053 Madrid Spain
Note: Methods: Arrived data, breeding data, last bird detected, etc.


Name of scheme: Swedish Breeding Bird Survey (“summer point counts”)
Website: http://www.fageltaxering.lu.se/
Organisation: Dept. of Biology, Lund University
Status: ongoing
Start: 1975
Number of fieldworkers: 130
Species: 140
Habitats record: yes
Methods: point counts
Selection of plots: free choice
Sustainable support: yes
Contact: Åke Lindström
Dept. of Biology, Lund University, Ecology Building, S-22362 Lund
Name of scheme: Swedish Breeding Bird Survey (“fixed routes”)
Website: http://www.fageltaxering.lu.se/
Organisation: Dept. of Biology, Lund University
Status: ongoing
Start: 1996
Number of fieldworkers: 240
Species: 180
Habitats record: yes
Methods: line transects
Selection of plots: systematic
Sustainable support: yes
Reference: Ottvall, R., Green, M., Lindström, Å., Svensson, S., Esseen, P.-A. and Marklund, L. (2008): Distribution and habitat selection of Ortolan Bunting in Sweden. Ornis Svecica 18: 3-16.
Contact: Åke Lindström
Dept. of Biology, University of Lund, Ecology Building, S-22362 Lund
Name of scheme: Swedish Breeding Bird Census
Organisation: Dept. of Biology, Lund University
Status: finished
Start: 1969
Number of fieldworkers: 125
Species: 100
Habitats record: no
Methods: territory mapping
Selection of plots: other
Sustainable support: no
Contact: Åke Lindström
Dept. of Biology, University of Lund, Ecology Building, S-22362 Lund
Name of scheme: Swedish Breeding Bird Survey (“night routes”)
Organisation: Dept. of Biology, Lund University
Status: ongoing
Start: 2010
Number of fieldworkers: 110
Species: 30
Habitats record: yes
Methods: point counts
Selection of plots: systematic
Sustainable support: yes
Contact: Martin Green
Dept. of Biology, University of Lund, Ecology Building, S-22362 Lund


Name of scheme: Monitoring Häufige Brutvögel (Monitoring of common breeding birds)
Website: http://www.vogelwarte.ch/en/projects/monitoring/monitoring-common-breeding-birds.html
Organisation: Swiss Ornithological Institute
Status: ongoing
Start: 1999
Number of fieldworkers: 200
Species: 75
Habitats record: no
Methods: territory mapping
Selection of plots: systematic
Sustainable support: yes
Reference: Knaus, P., T. Sattler, H. Schmid, N. Strebel & B. Volet (2020): The State of Birds in Switzerland. Report 2020. Swiss Ornithological Institute, Sempach
Knaus, P., T. Sattler, H. Schmid, N. Strebel & B. Volet (2020): État de l'avifaune en Suisse. Rapport 2020. Station ornithologique suisse, Sempach.
Knaus, P., T. Sattler, H. Schmid, N. Strebel & B. Volet (2020): Zustand der Vogelwelt in der Schweiz. Bericht 2020. Schweizerische Vogelwarte, Sempach.
Knaus, P., T. Sattler, H. Schmid, N. Strebel & B. Volet (2020): Situazione dell'avifauna in Svizzera. Rapporto 2020. Stazione ornitologica svizzera di Sempach, Sempach.
State of the breeding birds
Contact: Hans Schmid
Swiss Ornithological Institute, Sempach, CH-6204, Switzerland
Thomas Sattler
Swiss Ornithological Institute, Sempach, CH-6204, Switzerland
Name of scheme: Monitoring breeding birds in wetlands (Monitoring Brutvögel in Feuchtgebieten)
Website: https://www.vogelwarte.ch/en/projects/monitoring/monitoring-breeding-birds-in-wetlands
Organisation: Swiss Ornithological Institute
Status: ongoing
Start: 1999
Number of fieldworkers: 100
Species: 13
Habitats record: no
Methods: territory mapping
Selection of plots: stratified random
Sustainable support: yes
Reference: Müller, C. (2019): Seltene und bemerkenswerte Brutvögel 2018 in der Schweiz. Ornithol. Beob. 116: 165–178.
Contact: Claudia Müller
Swiss Ornithological Institute, CH-6204 Sempach, Switzerland
Peter Knaus
Swiss Ornithological Institute, CH-6204 Sempach, Switzerland
Name of scheme: Monitoring Selected Species (Monitoring Ausgewählte Arten)
Website: https://www.vogelwarte.ch/en/projects/monitoring/monitoring-selected-species
Organisation: Swiss Ornithological Institute
Status: ongoing
Start: 1990
Number of fieldworkers: 200
Species: 40
Habitats record: no
Methods: other
Selection of plots: stratified random
Sustainable support: yes
Reference: Müller, C. (2019): Seltene und bemerkenswerte Brutvögel 2018 in der Schweiz. Ornithol. Beob. 116: 165–178.
Contact: Claudia Müller
Swiss Ornithological Institute, CH-6204 Sempach, Switzerland
Peter Knaus
Swiss Ornithological Institute, CH-6204 Sempach, Switzerland


Name of scheme: Monitoring of birds on the west of Ukraine (West-Ukrainian Ornithological Society and Ukrainian Society for the Protection of Birds); Regional ornithological monitoring (ROM) on the south of Ukraine (the Azov-Black Sea Ornithological Station)
Organisation: Ukrainian Society for the Protection of Birds, West-Ukrainian Ornithological Society, Azov-Black Sea Ornithological Station
Status: ongoing
Start: 1980
Number of fieldworkers: 20
Species: 70
Habitats record: yes
Methods: complete counts
line transects
point counts
Selection of plots: random
Sustainable support: no
Contact: Igor Gorban
Ukrainian Society for the Protection of Birds, P. O. Box 33, Kyiv 01103, Ukraine

United Kingdom

Name of scheme: Breeding Bird Survey
Website: http://www.bto.org/bbs
Organisation: British Trust for Ornithology
Status: ongoing
Start: 1994
Number of fieldworkers: 2732
Species: 223
Habitats record: yes
Methods: line transects
Selection of plots: stratified random
Sustainable support: yes
Reference: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Balmer, D.E., Kelly, L., Noble, D.G., Pearce-Higgins, J.W., Woodcock, P., Wotton, S. & Gillings, S. 2022. The Breeding Bird Survey 2021. BTO Research Report 745. British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford.
Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Balmer, D.E., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Pearce-Higgins, J.W., Woodcock, P. & Gillings, S. 2020. The Breeding Bird Survey 2019. BTO Research Report 726 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford.
Breeding Bird Surveys
Contact: James Haywood
BTO, The Nunnery, Thetford, Norfolk IP24 2PU, UK
Name of scheme: Waterways Breeding Bird Survey
Website: http://www.bto.org/wbbs
Organisation: British Trust for Ornithology
Status: ongoing
Start: 1998
Number of fieldworkers: 250
Species: 24
Habitats record: yes
Methods: line transects
Selection of plots: random
Sustainable support: yes
Reference: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Balmer, D.E., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Pearce-Higgins, J.W., Woodcock, P. & Gillings, S. 2020. The Breeding Bird Survey 2019. BTO Research Report 726 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford.
Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Eaton, M.A., Gillings, S., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Pearce-Higgins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2019. The Breeding Bird Survey. BTO Research Report 717. British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford.
Contact: Sarah Harris
BTO, The Nunnery, Thetford, Norfolk, IP24 2PU, UK
Name of scheme: Heronries Census
Website: https://www.bto.org/our-science/projects/heronries-census
Organisation: British Trust for Ornithology
Status: ongoing
Start: 1928
Number of fieldworkers: 550
Species: 3
Habitats record: yes
Methods: other
Selection of plots: other
Sustainable support: no
Reference: Marchant, J.H., Freeman, S.N., Crick, H.Q.P. & Beaven, L.P. (2004): The BTO Heronries Census of England and Wales 1928-2000: new indices and a comparison of analytical methods. Ibis 146: 323-334.
Contact: Ian Woodward
BTO, The Nunnery, Thetford, Norfolk, IP24 2PU, UK
Name of scheme: UK Wetland Bird Survey (WeBS)
Website: https://www.bto.org/webs
Organisation: BTO/RSPB/JNCC in association with WWT
Status: ongoing
Start: 1947
Number of fieldworkers: 3100
Species: 110
Habitats record: no
Methods: other
Selection of plots: other
Sustainable support: yes
Contact: Teresa Frost
BTO, The Nunnery, Thetford, Norfolk IP24 2PU UK
Note: Methods: waterbird counts. Selection of plots: all large wetlands plus some smaller ones.
Name of scheme: Waterways Bird Survey
Website: http://www.bto.org/about-birds/birdtrends/2015/methods/waterways-bird-survey-waterways-breeding-bird-survey
Organisation: British Trust for Ornithology
Status: finished
Start: 1974
End: 2007
Number of fieldworkers: 110
Species: 24
Habitats record: yes
Methods: territory mapping
Selection of plots: free choice
Sustainable support: yes
Reference: Marchant, J.H., Hudson, R., Carter, S.P. & Whittington, P.A. (1990): Population trends in British breeding birds. Tring, BTO/NCC.
Contact: Dawn Balmer
BTO, The Nunnery, Thetford, Norfolk IP24 2PU, UK


Report on the PECBMS, September 2024

September 19, 2024

The project, funded by the EC, focuses on developing bird indicators for the EU, improving data collection and analysis, and contributing to bird conservation efforts, including the protection of the Turtle Dove and the development of novel indices like the Urban or Mountain Bird Index.


A new paper explores bird monitoring data and the role of EU policies on farmland birds

September 9, 2024

The intensity of agriculture in seven countries that entered the EU in 2004 and 2007 increased after the accession. Population trends of farmland birds started to decline, and the population levels reached lower levels than before the accession. The paper suggests that the adverse impacts of agricultural intensification overrode the possible benefits of EU policy measures aimed at supporting biodiversity.


The Danish point counting app has arrived!

September 6, 2024

Nowadays, most ornithologists have their smartphones close at hand. With that fact in mind, DOF/BirdLife Denmark has now developed an app that can be downloaded and used to enter the birds you see and hear at a point count while in the field. In other words, there is no homework waiting to submit or enter one's observations; it's all done straight out there, so to speak.


How are the birds doing in Europe

Common Starling

Sturnus vulgaris

Source of the data: EBCC/BirdLife/RSPB/CSO

The Common Starling is a numerous and widespread European farmland breeding bird. Starlings are predominantly grassland invertebrate feeders, often breeding in association with human habitation. The population is declining in Europe, however with a contrasting increase in Central-Eastern Europe compared to a decline in the rest of the European regions. The major declines in farmland Starling breeding abundance have been linked to the general intensification of European agriculture as the species is dependent on grazed grassland and meadow areas.

Eurasian Tree Sparrow

Passer montanus

Source of the data: EBCC/BirdLife/RSPB/CSO

Eurasian Tree Sparrow populations showed a moderate decline in the 1980s and 1990s mainly due to agriculture intensification. So did also its more common relative House Sparrow. However, more recently both species have been stable.

Common Snipe

Gallinago gallinago

Source of the data: EBCC/BirdLife/RSPB/CSO

The wild bird indicator also includes wetland species, such as Common Snipe which has been moderately declining. However, the species has an extremely large range and its population size is also large so the species is evaluated as Least Concern under the IUCN criteria.

Sardinian Warbler

Sylvia melanocephala

Source of the data: EBCC/BirdLife/RSPB/CSO

The population of Sardinian Warbler is stable. This is one of the most generalist Mediterranean warblers, present in many types of warm habitats. The species' ecological flexibility could explain their population dynamics in changing Mediterranean landscapes. It benefits from land abandonment, recolonizes burnt areas just a few years after the fire, and has adapted to urbanized environments much better than other warblers.