
Enormous mapping of Danish breeding birds is here

November 30, 2020

Ten years of hard work, almost 1500 volunteers, and hundreds of thousands of observations. The third mapping of the distribution of Danish breeding birds is done and published. This mapping is the greatest piece of bird research in Denmark.


What is new in 2020 data update?

June 30, 2020

In 2020, the set of the European Common Bird Indicators has been produced based on the data for 168 common European species from 28 countries up to 2017, and for the first time the indicators for the year 2018 are estimated using the moving average (running mean).


European wild bird indicators, 2020 update

June 30, 2020

The Pan-European Common Bird Monitoring Scheme (PECBMS) presents a set of updated European wild bird indicators for the period 1980–2017 and estimates for the year 2018. The values of indicators for the year 2018 are estimated by moving average in the whole set of indicators. The reason for the estimation is a recent general PECBMS data set revision and implementation of the new tools running in the software environment for statistical computing and graphics R (RTRIM and RSWAN). Quality of the input data and a transparent methodology of indicators´ computation is among our top priorities. We aim for a deep data set revision implementing quality measures to make the production of the indicators faster, more transparent, and more efficient.


New Annual Breeding Bird report – from the Netherlands

June 11, 2020

This recently published report presents the results of the national breeding bird monitoring scheme in The Netherlands in 2018. It focuses on rare and colonial breeding bird species but also presents trend information for all species in the period 1990-2018.
