
New Dutch Breeding Bird Report – Numbers and trends of Dutch breeding birds

August 30, 2023

The annual results of the Dutch Breeding Bird monitoring coordinated by Sovon (Dutch Centre for Field Ornithology) were published in late July. This report presents an overview of the breeding population trends of 199 species, both common, rare and colonial breeding birds, in The Netherlands up to and including 2022.


International Conference Migratory and Resident Birds in a Changing Climate

June 30, 2023

We would like to draw your attention to the International Conference "Migratory and Resident Birds in a Changing Climate", which will take place on 28–29 September 2023 at the Brandenburg Academy "Schloss Criewen" (Federal State of Brandenburg, Eastern Germany) and cordially invite you as a speaker or participant.


Farmland practices are driving bird populations decline across Europe

May 17, 2023

Biodiversity is exposed to increasing pressure by climate and land use changes. But how species respond to these pressures and which is more dominant remain controversial questions. A recent collaborative study including 28 European countries assesses, for the first time, how 170 bird species have responded to major human-induced pressures at a continental scale.


Third PECBMS webinar took place

February 27, 2023

On Friday, 10 February, the third PECBMS webinar took place on Zoom. Since the new data request is nearing, we organised the webinar on RTRIM-shell and related topics. We guided the national coordinators from the data preparation to data validation in the online tool. Later, Anna Gamero introduced the site-level data online tool, which is available to all the coordinators to manage their site-level data. Furthermore, Sergi Herrando ( ICO, CREAF) introduced the new EBBA Live project.


News from Common Bird Monitoring Scheme in Moldova

December 9, 2022

This year, Moldova joins the International Census Plots initiative. Silvia Ursul, the scheme coordinator, summarises the country's pilot season of bird monitoring in ten plots surveyed by nine volunteers.


2022 Update leaflet published

December 5, 2022

Today, we publish a new leaflet summarising the 2022 Trends and Indicators update outputs. You will find the list of all 170 species, the classification of their trends, the graph of the three main indicators and a graph comparing the EU Farmland Bird Indicator with and without the UK. The leaflet is freely downloadable from the website.


What is new in 2022 data update?

November 23, 2022

Since the last update, we have put effort into collecting data with only a one-year delay. We are happy to announce that almost all countries could deliver their data up to 2021, which is an important step forward for the PECBMS to produce the most up-to-date European indices and indicators possible.
