In 2017, the index and trend have been produced also for one new species – The eastern olivaceous warbler Hippolais pallida. Photo by Radovan Vaclav.

What is new in 2017 data update?

June 9, 2018

In 2017, the indices and trends for 170 common European species have been produced based on the data from 28 countries. Here we present several details regarding this data update.

In 2017, the index and trend have been produced also for one new species – The eastern olivaceous warbler Hippolais pallida. Photo by Radovan Vaclav.

  • In 2017, the indices and trends for 170 common European species have been produced. The number of species increased with one new species – The eastern olivaceous warbler Hippolais pallida.
  • The number of countries contributing to the PECBMS in 2017 is the same as the last year (28 countries).
  • Indices of Luxembourg, France, and Portugal have not been updated this year, older indices up to the year 2012 (Luxembourg) or up to 2014 (France and Portugal) have been used instead.
  • Indices from Slovenia has been shortening compared to the last update and now start one year later, from 2008.
  • Two species (Oenanthe cypriaca and Sylvia melanothorax) haven´t been included in all common bird indicators for Europe and EU as they are endemic species for Cyprus and not common for whole Europe. Consequently, only 168 species are included in common bird indicators. The number of species included in common farmland and common forest bird indicators for Europe and the EU remained unchanged (39 farmland species and 34 forest species).
  • New country population estimates available in the European Red List of the Birds (BirdLife International, 2015) have been used as weights in the calculation of the European species indices and trends.
  • In this update, we used a tool to calculate multi-species indices (indicators) developed in Statistics Netherlands. The tool produces the same outputs as in the previous updates of the indicators and also the smoothed values with confidence intervals. For more details on the tool and statistical procedure please check Soldaat et al. (2017).
  • The smoothed indicators are presented in graphs, and smoothed indicators including their lower and upper confidence limits for the time periods from 1980-onwards and 1990-onwards are available for download.
  • Besides this, computation procedure, data quality control, and presented indices, trends, and indicators have not undergone any change, all have been kept consistent with last year’s data update.