Species trends

Accompanying text of the update and indices and trends for 170 European bird species are freely available for download in Excel sheets here.

Since January 2006, the production of European species trends has been supported by the European Commission.

If you wish to use our data, we recommend reading the rules of using the PECBMS outputs stated in our Data Access And Co-authorship Policy.

In one graph
Confidence limits may be shown only if the option All data in one graph is set to no.

Spinus spinus (Eurasian Siskin)

Moderate decline (explanation)

Population index (%) 1980 - 2022 , Europe


Source of the data: EBCC/BirdLife/RSPB/CSO

Species Long-term Trend (%)a) Long-term Slope (SE)b) Ten-year Trend (%)a) Ten-year Slope (SE)b) Habitat
-68 0.9728 (0.0042) 30 1.0167 (0.0041) other
-14 0.9944 (0.0054) 1 0.9997 (0.0066) forest
6 1.0029 (0.0067) -17 0.9819 (0.0108) other
89 0.996 (0.0021) 17 1.006 (0.0063) other
-30 1 (0.0039) -20 0.9906 (0.0044) other
-10 0.997 (0.0011) 0 1.0065 (0.0047) other
-43 0.983 (0.0025) -27 0.9839 (0.0073) other
82 1.0072 (0.0042) 32 1.0188 (0.0064) other
-60 0.9834 (0.0008) -18 0.9817 (0.0019) farmland
158 1.0054 (0.0046) 40 1.005 (0.0113) other
-44 0.9693 (0.0016) -11 0.9902 (0.0051) farmland
45 1.007 (0.0013) -11 0.9889 (0.0025) other
-85 0.977 (0.0888) -59 0.9498 (0.0136) farmland
-65 0.9807 (0.0025) 7 1.0022 (0.002) farmland
-59 0.9792 (0.0008) -12 0.9949 (0.0017) forest
-11 0.9964 (0.003) -18 0.985 (0.0035) other
81 1.011 (0.0016) 3 0.9996 (0.003) other
150 1.0544 (0.0106) -41 0.953 (0.0124) forest
-27 0.9879 (0.004) -22 0.9767 (0.0109) forest
-10 1.0154 (0.0053) 17 1.034 (0.0113) farmland
-56 0.9863 (0.0033) -31 0.9707 (0.0097) farmland
125 1.0138 (0.0021) 3 0.9998 (0.0023) other
-3 1.005 (0.0035) -1 0.9853 (0.0066) farmland
-51 9 0.9923 (0.0093) other
34 1.0162 (0.0028) 12 1.0025 (0.0027) other
-37 -6 0.9854 (0.0098) forest
-43 0.9838 (0.0025) -22 0.9875 (0.0059) other
17 1.0039 (0.0042) -14 0.9692 (0.0112) other
7 1.0146 (0.0029) 38 1.0274 (0.0033) forest
-14 0.9951 (0.0015) 14 1.006 (0.0036) forest
497 1.0209 (0.0063) 18 1.0119 (0.0035) other
-17 0.9934 (0.0017) -15 0.9788 (0.0023) other
60 1.0133 (0.0039) -10 0.9871 (0.004) farmland
358 1.0398 (0.0044) 1 0.9985 (0.0117) other
-43 1.0031 (0.0017) -19 0.9673 (0.0037) other
-17 0.9855 (0.0066) -31 0.9638 (0.0157) other
19 1.0002 (0.0029) 0 0.9965 (0.0042) forest
42 1.0125 (0.002) 20 1.0347 (0.0034) forest
130 1.0164 (0.0011) 27 1.0297 (0.0012) other
123 1.0165 (0.0024) 17 1.0158 (0.0038) other
22 1.0047 (0.0012) 1 1.0015 (0.0014) other
168 1.0083 (0.0022) 26 1.0238 (0.0033) farmland
65 1.0023 (0.0028) 0 0.9957 (0.0026) other
-38 0.9877 (0.0013) -10 0.9844 (0.0018) other
-52 0.9751 (0.0067) -20 0.969 (0.0079) other
26 1.0091 (0.0009) 4 1.0035 (0.0021) other
59 1.0171 (0.0035) 19 1.0203 (0.0092) forest
75 1.0096 (0.0019) 3 1.0096 (0.0041) other
-36 0.9836 (0.0048) -4 0.9992 (0.0048) other
112 1.0165 (0.0009) 22 1.0255 (0.0015) other
-6 24 1.0015 (0.0282) other
-81 0.971 (0.0193) -4 1.0087 (0.0105) forest
50 1.0088 (0.0027) 19 1.0219 (0.0033) forest
-16 -3 0.9893 (0.0106) other
-78 0.9791 (0.0032) 12 1.009 (0.0031) farmland
-21 0.987 (0.0036) -25 0.9574 (0.0105) other
25 1.0158 (0.008) -3 1.0187 (0.0112) farmland
-54 0.9863 (0.0008) -14 0.9841 (0.0025) farmland
-94 0.9435 (0.0035) -46 0.9299 (0.0079) farmland
-36 -64 0.9007 (0.0136) farmland
-51 0.9533 (0.0058) 172 1.1313 (0.0155) forest
-35 0.9911 (0.0012) 10 1.0097 (0.0044) other
38 1.0079 (0.0005) 33 1.0233 (0.0017) other
-40 0.9911 (0.0025) 2 1.0157 (0.0033) farmland
156 1.0172 (0.0033) 16 1.0232 (0.0074) forest
-29 0.9882 (0.001) -6 1.0066 (0.003) forest
-3 0.9992 (0.0004) -3 0.9966 (0.001) other
-60 0.9699 (0.0061) -12 0.9842 (0.0054) other
-2 1 (0.0013) -11 0.9863 (0.0065) other
-100 0.8937 (0.0286) -17 0.9837 (0.0036) farmland
64 1.0178 (0.0036) 19 1.0121 (0.0079) farmland
-55 0.977 (0.0034) -6 0.9903 (0.0052) other
-26 0.9957 (0.0021) 5 0.9923 (0.0037) other
0 1.0045 (0.0015) -13 0.9866 (0.0021) forest
442 1.05 (0.0029) 42 1.037 (0.0033) other
-25 0.9861 (0.0014) -14 0.9876 (0.0049) other
-55 0.9829 (0.0017) -20 0.9725 (0.0038) other
-32 0.9951 (0.0019) -7 1.0005 (0.0049) other
-37 0.9944 (0.0019) -30 0.9676 (0.0024) farmland
-13 46 1.0397 (0.0175) other
-69 0.9765 (0.0044) -4 0.9958 (0.0051) other
-6 1.0024 (0.0029) -23 0.9825 (0.0062) farmland
-87 -77 0.889 (0.0431) farmland
-38 0.9719 (0.0027) -17 0.9725 (0.007) farmland
-83 0.952 (0.0056) -10 0.9977 (0.0103) other
1 1.0167 (0.0073) -15 1.027 (0.0095) forest
-65 0.9646 (0.0009) -29 0.9651 (0.003) farmland
-62 0.9764 (0.0031) 3 0.9953 (0.0036) farmland
-87 0.9682 (0.0061) -62 0.889 (0.0132) other
-74 0.9779 (0.0068) -36 0.9423 (0.0071) other
-50 0.9898 (0.0037) 5 0.9958 (0.0038) forest
287 1.0276 (0.0059) 32 1.027 (0.0038) other
-47 0.9895 (0.0023) -27 0.9562 (0.0055) other
-67 0.9896 (0.0021) 3 1.0016 (0.002) other
-18 0.999 (0.0043) 6 1.0077 (0.0064) other
-61 0.9681 (0.0022) -35 0.9578 (0.0063) farmland
189 1.0132 (0.0331) -3 0.9936 (0.0056) other
-19 0.9975 (0.0015) -1 0.9975 (0.0026) other
5 0.9965 (0.0026) 27 1.0141 (0.0062) other
-70 0.9711 (0.007) -13 0.9937 (0.0062) farmland
-63 0.984 (0.0017) -14 0.9822 (0.0034) other
-7 0.9889 (0.0129) 35 1.0224 (0.0069) forest
-43 0.9888 (0.0024) -12 0.9943 (0.0036) other
34 1.0112 (0.0042) -5 0.9962 (0.0097) other
-46 -46 0.9631 (0.0094) other
-51 0.9619 (0.0031) -28 0.961 (0.0096) farmland
-74 0.9751 (0.0027) -21 0.9752 (0.004) other
10 1.0017 (0.0028) -17 0.9844 (0.0025) other
16 1.0047 (0.0006) 3 1.0032 (0.0014) other
-66 0.9837 (0.0018) -6 0.9992 (0.0023) other
-67 0.981 (0.0038) -13 0.9778 (0.0046) farmland
-94 0.943 (0.0077) -40 0.9546 (0.0086) farmland
-10 0.9947 (0.0025) 1 0.9925 (0.0023) forest
-18 0.9999 (0.0033) -21 0.9738 (0.0076) farmland
38 1.0042 (0.001) 5 1.0107 (0.0019) other
80 1.0076 (0.0023) 22 1.0192 (0.0026) other
23 1.0135 (0.0014) 10 1.0079 (0.0021) forest
-26 1.0043 (0.0045) 7 1.0038 (0.0054) forest
152 1.0146 (0.0007) 22 1.0216 (0.0016) forest
-48 0.9814 (0.0014) -23 0.9657 (0.0029) forest
-44 0.9859 (0.0004) -12 0.9903 (0.001) other
8 0.9908 (0.0021) 6 1.0045 (0.0019) other
34 0.9897 (0.0073) 50 1.0322 (0.0134) forest
59 1.0191 (0.0027) 2 1.0113 (0.0024) other
-17 1.0001 (0.0028) 8 1.0068 (0.0036) other
46 0.9919 (0.0025) 71 1.0325 (0.0117) other
-74 0.9676 (0.0017) -12 0.9672 (0.004) forest
-31 0.9952 (0.0027) 5 0.9938 (0.0037) forest
-31 0.9933 (0.0008) -2 0.9962 (0.0018) other
192 1.0212 (0.0048) 131 1.0651 (0.0115) other
21 1.0071 (0.0059) -8 0.9974 (0.0139) other
-40 0.9922 (0.0019) 19 1.0098 (0.0031) forest
7 1.0091 (0.0035) 27 1.0074 (0.0035) forest
-47 0.9807 (0.001) 17 0.9898 (0.0023) forest
-89 0.9786 (0.0046) -37 0.9481 (0.0043) farmland
9 0.9917 (0.0069) 3 0.9938 (0.0038) farmland
-56 0.9733 (0.0039) -5 0.9848 (0.0025) farmland
119 1.0158 (0.0023) 7 0.9967 (0.0029) forest
-16 0.9919 (0.0016) 10 1.0086 (0.0027) forest
75 1.0157 (0.0017) 18 1.0225 (0.0039) other
-83 0.962 (0.0021) -5 0.9867 (0.0042) farmland
10 1.0025 (0.0016) 12 1.0065 (0.0039) farmland
-71 0.979 (0.0018) -1 1.0036 (0.0029) farmland
197 1.0276 (0.0007) 21 1.0201 (0.0012) other
-28 0.9911 (0.0008) -8 0.9854 (0.0031) other
105 1.0407 (0.0148) -14 0.9859 (0.0068) other
12 1.0052 (0.0012) -6 0.9988 (0.0027) farmland
-15 1.0006 (0.0012) 19 1.0167 (0.0043) other
148 1.0514 (0.0073) 73 1.043 (0.0118) other
129 1.0086 (0.0083) 37 1.0234 (0.0038) other
-73 -80 0.8593 (0.0111) other
384 1.0027 (0.0108) 9 0.9962 (0.0103) other
-44 0.9769 (0.0045) -7 0.9854 (0.0138) other
-4 0.9942 (0.0039) 2 0.9854 (0.0102) other
-20 0.995 (0.0016) -30 0.9727 (0.0058) other
-84 0.93 (0.0045) -69 0.9017 (0.0174) farmland
-65 -20 0.9997 (0.0271) other
-38 0.9936 (0.0026) -21 0.9781 (0.0051) other
-11 0.9954 (0.0038) 1 1.0092 (0.0062) other
2 1.0048 (0.0028) -8 0.9975 (0.0048) forest
-65 0.9752 (0.0025) -20 0.9822 (0.0046) other
68 1.0128 (0.0005) 32 1.0134 (0.0014) other
-17 0.9916 (0.0015) 20 1.0228 (0.0026) other
22 1.0075 (0.0005) 14 1.0078 (0.0009) other
3 1.0055 (0.0006) 22 1.0173 (0.0015) other
-19 0.9971 (0.0012) -19 0.9656 (0.0023) other
5 0.9963 (0.0044) 1 0.9927 (0.0098) other
-27 0.9959 (0.0019) 13 1.0117 (0.0024) forest
-27 0.9982 (0.0123) 5 0.999 (0.0044) farmland
-56 0.9763 (0.0023) -9 0.9774 (0.0044) farmland