Species trends

Accompanying text of the update and indices and trends for 170 European bird species are freely available for download in Excel sheets here.

Since January 2006, the production of European species trends has been supported by the European Commission.

If you wish to use our data, we recommend reading the rules of using the PECBMS outputs stated in our Data Access And Co-authorship Policy.

In one graph
Confidence limits may be shown only if the option All data in one graph is set to no.
Species Long-term Trend (%)a) Long-term Slope (SE)b) Ten-year Trend (%)a) Ten-year Slope (SE)b) Habitat
-47 0.9681 (0.0016) -16 0.9871 (0.0053) farmland
25 1.0038 (0.001) 7 1.0033 (0.002) other
-91 0.9453 (0.0072) -24 0.9559 (0.0089) farmland
-44 0.9843 (0.005) -27 1.0003 (0.0114) forest
-14 0.9985 (0.0035) -2 1.0042 (0.0061) other
56 1.0089 (0.0017) 14 1.0135 (0.0048) other
-32 0.9946 (0.0015) -16 0.9724 (0.0058) other
54 1.0051 (0.0012) -3 0.9934 (0.0026) other
-16 0.9924 (0.0037) -20 0.9824 (0.0086) other
-5 0.9932 (0.0024) 31 1.0397 (0.012) other
90 1.013 (0.0017) 27 1.0364 (0.0047) forest
200 1.0202 (0.0009) 22 1.0293 (0.0012) other
-83 0.9615 (0.0021) -16 0.9913 (0.0042) farmland
90 1.0141 (0.0015) 22 1.0166 (0.0032) other
-25 0.9938 (0.0031) -21 0.9773 (0.0034) other
17 0.9853 (0.0063) -20 0.977 (0.0154) other
-41 0.9883 (0.0013) -4 0.9944 (0.002) other
-30 0.9949 (0.002) -18 0.9773 (0.0035) other
-5 0.9988 (0.0012) -17 0.9848 (0.0055) other
581 1.0498 (0.0027) 34 1.0298 (0.0031) other
-84 0.927 (0.0086) -60 0.9159 (0.0498) farmland
59 1.015 (0.004) -9 0.9953 (0.0046) farmland
48 1.0216 (0.0056) 86 1.0801 (0.0118) farmland
93 1.0109 (0.0018) 1 0.9991 (0.0029) other
-28 0.9992 (0.0046) -14 0.9757 (0.0106) other
-31 0.9876 (0.0031) -17 0.975 (0.0094) farmland
-34 0.9858 (0.0012) -18 0.9849 (0.0049) other
-31 0.9996 (0.0027) -11 1.002 (0.0035) other
-62 0.9775 (0.0022) -20 0.9777 (0.0043) farmland
7 1.0105 (0.0041) -12 0.9897 (0.0097) other
-38 0.9902 (0.0019) -6 0.9897 (0.0035) other
-68 0.965 (0.0008) -23 0.9719 (0.003) farmland
-49 0.9825 (0.0019) 0 0.9888 (0.0048) other
-50 0.9837 (0.0023) -7 0.9983 (0.0074) other
5 1.0036 (0.0027) 1 1.0101 (0.0047) forest
-32 0.9804 (0.0107) -4 0.9871 (0.0237) other
-1 0.9962 (0.0036) 13 1.0186 (0.0061) other
-59 0.9782 (0.0024) -16 0.9867 (0.0048) other
-37 0.9939 (0.0026) -10 0.9922 (0.0048) other
-76 0.9568 (0.0041) -2 1.0021 (0.0091) other
289 1.0292 (0.0033) -4 0.9969 (0.012) other
7 0.9944 (0.0048) -6 0.9911 (0.0062) forest
129 1.0135 (0.002) -7 0.9964 (0.0022) other
-30 0.9951 (0.012) 2 0.9997 (0.004) farmland
133 1.0132 (0.0312) 4 1.0121 (0.0055) other
63 1.0071 (0.0043) 18 0.9962 (0.0097) other
-59 0.9807 (0.0033) -8 0.992 (0.006) other
-5 0.9913 (0.007) 49 1.0214 (0.0132) forest
81 1.0186 (0.0025) -2 1.014 (0.0023) other
37 1.0083 (0.003) 11 1.0212 (0.003) forest
127 1.0163 (0.0069) 26 1.0284 (0.0075) forest
-79 0.9748 (0.0148) 17 1.0241 (0.0096) forest
-10 0.9836 (0.0109) 30 1.0125 (0.0292) other
122 1.0169 (0.0009) 22 1.0272 (0.0016) other
-20 0.9928 (0.0023) 13 1.0188 (0.003) farmland
-9 1.0013 (0.0027) -11 0.9839 (0.0025) other
-22 1.0034 (0.0027) -9 0.9731 (0.006) farmland
-84 0.9383 (0.0128) -78 0.8472 (0.0446) farmland
-37 0.974 (0.0026) -9 0.9909 (0.0069) farmland
20 1.0049 (0.0057) -9 0.9851 (0.0147) other
63 1.0173 (0.0035) 21 1.0261 (0.0093) forest
5 1.005 (0.0015) -8 0.9929 (0.0022) forest
-4 0.9901 (0.0021) 9 1.0037 (0.0019) other
-24 0.9839 (0.0101) 21 1.0151 (0.0067) forest
17 1.0011 (0.0028) -5 0.9856 (0.0025) other
-10 1.0075 (0.0021) -5 0.9977 (0.0038) farmland
132 1.0168 (0.0023) 6 1.0128 (0.0037) other
27 1.0046 (0.0011) -2 1.0004 (0.0014) other
-13 0.9956 (0.0021) -1 0.9883 (0.0026) forest
-29 0.9901 (0.0035) 1 0.9982 (0.0037) forest
-35 0.994 (0.0029) -3 0.9824 (0.0033) forest
-77 0.9677 (0.0016) -20 0.9734 (0.004) forest
37 1.0091 (0.0009) 4 1.0023 (0.0022) other
27 1.0047 (0.0006) 6 1.0038 (0.0015) other
-62 0.9689 (0.0027) -22 0.9754 (0.0061) farmland
3 1.0056 (0.0034) -2 0.9884 (0.0061) farmland
197 1.0244 (0.0054) 20 1.0297 (0.0039) other
-56 0.9841 (0.0007) -17 0.9804 (0.0019) farmland
63 1.0172 (0.0034) 4 1.0054 (0.0077) farmland
-91 0.8979 (0.0276) 1 0.9921 (0.0036) farmland
-16 1.003 (0.0016) -17 0.967 (0.0035) other
22 1.0133 (0.0127) 19 1.023 (0.0155) other
-41 0.9915 (0.0014) -14 0.9886 (0.0049) other
-50 0.9831 (0.0016) -8 0.9859 (0.0038) other
-18 0.9976 (0.0036) -7 1.0112 (0.0056) other
31 0.9947 (0.002) 2 0.9885 (0.0068) other
13 0.9968 (0.001) -6 1.0042 (0.0046) other
61 0.9991 (0.005) -14 0.9668 (0.0105) other
-82 0.9666 (0.0057) -56 0.8685 (0.0115) other
-68 0.9775 (0.0032) -41 0.9396 (0.0062) other
-22 0.9892 (0.0044) 4 0.9984 (0.0049) other
7 1.0059 (0.0041) -12 0.9805 (0.0113) other
-26 0.9925 (0.0019) -22 0.9728 (0.0027) farmland
184 1.0244 (0.0044) 81 1.0613 (0.0112) other
-1 1.0144 (0.0035) 11 0.9985 (0.0054) forest
-49 0.9805 (0.0013) -10 0.9737 (0.0027) forest
-40 0.9859 (0.0004) -5 0.9843 (0.001) other
123 1.0145 (0.0006) 15 1.0211 (0.0018) forest
433 1.0213 (0.0061) 24 1.0196 (0.0043) other
39 1.0069 (0.0042) 6 1.0091 (0.0066) other
218 1.0271 (0.0006) 20 1.0188 (0.0013) other
-25 0.9913 (0.0008) -10 0.9865 (0.0028) other
184 1.0025 (0.0129) 8 0.9841 (0.0101) other
1052 1.0715 (0.0257) 43 1.0372 (0.0107) other
-2 1.0007 (0.0011) 7 1.0116 (0.0044) other
-79 0.9525 (0.0086) -79 0.8399 (0.0125) other
66 1.0074 (0.009) 22 1.0172 (0.004) other
187 1.0414 (0.0148) -15 0.9715 (0.0065) other
32 1.0056 (0.0011) 0 0.9984 (0.0028) farmland
-50 0.9777 (0.0046) -10 0.9857 (0.0158) other
44 1.0138 (0.0029) 29 1.0349 (0.0032) forest
-18 0.995 (0.0014) 2 1.0044 (0.0034) forest
107 1.0146 (0.0021) 5 0.9901 (0.0037) forest
52 1.0124 (0.0005) 3 0.9964 (0.0016) other
-60 0.98 (0.0015) -1 0.9957 (0.0029) farmland
18 1.0023 (0.0015) 6 1.006 (0.0038) farmland
-19 0.9956 (0.0018) 13 1.0071 (0.0022) forest
7 1.0055 (0.0005) 11 1.008 (0.0016) other
-26 0.9916 (0.0014) -1 1.0172 (0.0025) other
21 1.0073 (0.0005) 5 1.0004 (0.001) other
-31 0.9962 (0.0011) -19 0.9564 (0.0022) other
-2 0.9975 (0.0039) -1 1.0013 (0.0063) other
-56 0.9848 (0.0014) -8 0.9898 (0.0039) other
46 1.0079 (0.0005) 9 1.0128 (0.0019) other
-51 0.9741 (0.0062) -15 0.9666 (0.0076) other
-52 0.9891 (0.0022) -31 0.9559 (0.0057) other
-34 0.9933 (0.0018) 7 1.0065 (0.002) other
-23 0.9883 (0.0009) 5 1.0185 (0.003) forest
153 1.0143 (0.0028) 14 1.022 (0.0068) forest
79 1.0066 (0.0023) 13 1.0136 (0.0027) other
75 1.0132 (0.0014) 19 1.0066 (0.0021) forest
-82 0.9784 (0.0039) -33 0.9561 (0.0044) farmland
119 0.9935 (0.0068) -3 0.9942 (0.0038) farmland
-73 0.9688 (0.0021) -24 0.9714 (0.0041) other
-54 0.9627 (0.003) -20 0.9769 (0.0093) farmland
-34 0.9916 (0.0061) -38 0.9519 (0.0097) other
-51 0.9812 (0.001) -10 0.9727 (0.0021) forest
48 1.0085 (0.0032) 22 0.9992 (0.0039) forest
345 1.054 (0.0102) 4 0.9874 (0.0118) forest
-33 0.9931 (0.0007) -10 0.9838 (0.0017) other
-38 0.9901 (0.0018) -8 0.9979 (0.0022) other
-59 0.9818 (0.0036) 2 0.9707 (0.0042) farmland
-11 1.0007 (0.0031) -13 0.9809 (0.0071) farmland
-56 0.9797 (0.0008) -5 0.9931 (0.0017) forest
-35 0.9833 (0.0024) 9 0.9878 (0.0019) farmland
-66 0.9759 (0.0838) -16 0.9628 (0.014) farmland
-70 0.9688 (0.0058) 2 0.9825 (0.0052) farmland
0 0.9996 (0.0024) 5 0.9959 (0.0057) other
-13 0.9973 (0.0015) -8 0.9911 (0.0036) other
1 0.999 (0.0004) -3 0.9952 (0.0011) other
-59 0.9697 (0.0058) -2 0.9864 (0.0057) other
74 1.0004 (0.0028) 15 0.9907 (0.004) forest
-10 0.9847 (0.0023) -12 0.994 (0.0057) other
-30 0.9927 (0.0017) 11 1.0061 (0.003) forest
-32 0.9919 (0.0016) -17 0.98 (0.0024) other
-57 0.9772 (0.0032) 2 0.9857 (0.0034) farmland
-79 0.9732 (0.0037) -14 1.013 (0.004) other
59 1.0153 (0.0027) -11 0.9932 (0.0027) other
-49 0.9692 (0.0104) -39 0.9345 (0.0261) forest
-68 0.9722 (0.004) -11 0.9838 (0.0025) farmland
14 0.993 (0.0014) 6 1.0072 (0.0026) forest
-52 0.9578 (0.0061) 1 0.9931 (0.009) other
-61 0.9435 (0.0177) -65 0.8844 (0.0138) farmland
-67 0.9809 (0.003) 2 1.0032 (0.003) farmland
-39 0.9846 (0.0035) -41 0.9493 (0.0105) other
-93 0.9442 (0.0037) -45 0.9294 (0.0076) farmland
99 1.0157 (0.008) 6 1.0028 (0.0102) farmland
-49 0.9862 (0.0007) -14 0.9746 (0.0019) farmland
-42 0.9904 (0.0011) -10 1.0015 (0.0042) other
-44 0.9565 (0.0055) 207 1.1948 (0.0162) forest