The Atlas of Wintering and Migratory Birds of Portugal: a new tool for ornithologists

October 26, 2018

The first Atlas of Wintering and Migratory Birds of Portugal is the largest collective ornithological work of the last 10 years in the country and is finally published.


Fieldwork produced almost 4000 hours of the census and 150 thousand bird records, covering three-quarters of the national territory in systematic visits. In all, more than 400 bird species have been registered. These are extraordinary results for a project of national scope, whose fieldwork was carried out in only two years.

The project was co-funded by the EDP Biodiversity Fund 2010 and involved the following entities: SPEA (Portuguese BirdLife Partner), LabOr- Laboratory of Ornithology, ICAAM, University of Évora, ICNF, Institute of Nature and Forestry Conservation, Institute of Forestry and Nature Conservation, Regional Secretariat for Energy, Environment and Tourism (Azores), and the Portuguese Association of Bird Ringers.

The Atlas is published in Portuguese and is available only online at