August 13, 2024
The first surveys under the International Census Plots scheme in Bosnia and Herzegovina were organised in spring 2024. Four fieldworkers conducted bird counts twice during the breeding season across seven designated census plots. This marked the beginning of establishing a long-term monitoring program to fill the current gaps in bird population data collection in the area, as new observers are currently being trained in bird identification and methodology courses.
Over the past two decades, data on birds in Bosnia and Herzegovina have been gathered as a part of numerous projects and have provided insights into the dynamics of breeding bird populations in the region. However, the implementation of a large-scale breeding bird monitoring program had been hindered by a lack of financial support from state institutions. The most comprehensive data was collected to prepare the European Breeding Bird Atlas 2 (EBBA2), which ensured the country’s inclusion in the European ornithological landscape.
The 2024 breeding season was designated as a pilot phase to assess the program’s effectiveness and identify any necessary adjustments for future implementation. The plots were selected semi-randomly, focusing on accessible areas for fieldworkers, with each plot consisting of two 1 km transects within randomly chosen 2×2 km squares. The data collected contributes to the ICP initiative and supports the development of a national breeding bird atlas.
Nermina Sarajlić, Ornitološko društvo ”Naše ptice”