1. National species indices and trends

Bird monitoring in Europe is organized on a national level; most countries have developed their monitoring schemes rather independently. National monitoring schemes are organized mostly by NGOs with various involvements of other institutions and individuals (governmental agencies, universities, research institutes, etc.).

The national bird monitoring schemes employ an array of different methods that PECBMS approves. The national coordinators provide PECBMS with the results of their schemes according to agreed standards and formats. Each national scheme delivers indices of numbers of individual bird species and trends therein as its main output. The index is the time series of the numbers and the trend is the change in these numbers over the years. These national indices and trends are the source of data for PECBMS, which uses them to compute supranational species indices and trends and multispecies indicators.

For details and contacts to national schemes´ coordinators, visit Common bird monitoring schemes in Europe.

1.1 Counting birds
Box Field methods
Box Detectability
Box Selection of sample plots

1.2 Production of national indices and trends
Box Missing values I
Box Trend interpretation and classification