
bird monitoring scheme providing data to PECBMS in 2024 update

existing bird monitoring scheme

no bird monitoring scheme


Name of scheme: Slovene monitoring of common farmland birds (Slovenski monitoring pogostih ptic kmetijske krajine)
Organisation: DOPPS-BirdLife Slovenia
Status: ongoing
Start: 2008
Number of fieldworkers: 39
Species: 81
Habitats record: yes
Methods: line transects
Selection of plots: stratified non-random
Sustainable support: yes
Reference: Kmecl P, Gamser M (2021): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za določitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - delno poročilo za leto 2021. (Monitoring of common bird species for the determination of Slovenian farmland bird index - partial report for the year 2021) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.
Latest report 2017.
Kmecl, P. (2019): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za določitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - delno poročilo za leto 2019. (Monitoring of common bird species for the determination of Slovenian farmland bird index - partial report for the year 2019.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana (abstract in English).
Contact: Primož Kmecl
DOPPS-BirdLife Slovenia, Tržaška cesta 2, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Name of scheme: Monitoring of selected qualifying bird species of Natura 2000 sites; Monitoring populacij izbranih ciljnih vrst ptic na območjih Natura 2000
Organisation: DOPPS-BirdLife Slovenia
Status: ongoing
Start: 2004
Number of fieldworkers: 50
Species: 18
Habitats record: no
Methods: other
Selection of plots: random
Sustainable support: yes
Reference: Monitoring reports are published each year on our website
Božič L., Denac D. (2017): Population dynamics of five riverbed breeding bird species on the lower Drava River, NE Slovenia. Acrocephalus 38 (174/175): 85–126.
Stanič D., Kmecl P., Figelj J., Sovinc A. (2017): Gnezditveni areal, velikost populacije in populacijski trend vrtnega strnada Emberiza hortulana v Sloveniji v obdobju med letoma 1979 in 2016. Acrocephalus 38 (172/173): 7–24.
Denac K. (2013): Velikost in razširjenost populacije velikega škurha Numenius arquata na Ljubljanskem barju v letih 2011 in 2012. Acrocephalus 34 (156/157): 33–41.
Denac D. (2010): Population dynamics of the White Stork Ciconia ciconia in Slovenia between 1999 and 2010. Acrocephalus 31 (145/146): 101–114
Božič L., Denac D. (2010): Številčnost in razširjenost izbranih gnezdilk struge reke Drave med Mariborom in Središčem ob Dravi (SV Slovenija) v letih 2006 in 2009 ter vzroki za zmanjšanje njihovih populacij. Acrocephalus 31 (144): 27–45.
Denac K. (2009): Habitat selection of Eurasian Scops Owl Otus scops on the northern border of its range in Europe. Ardea 97 (4): 535–540.
Božič L. (2005): Populacija kosca Crex crex na Ljubljanskem barju upada zaradi zgodnje košnje in uničevanja ekstenzivnih travnikov. Acrocephalus 26 (124): 3–21.
Božič L. (2005): Gnezditvena razširjenost in velikost populacije kosca Crex crex v Sloveniji leta 2004. Acrocephalus 26 (127): 171–179.
Contact: Katarina Denac
DOPPS-BirdLife Slovenia, Tržaška cesta 2, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Note: Methods: line transects, point counts, area count. Selection of plots: preselected by DOPPS based on suitable habitat for individual species.