bird monitoring scheme providing data to PECBMS in 2024 update
existing bird monitoring scheme
no bird monitoring scheme
Name of scheme: | Monitoring Pospolitych Ptaków Lęgowych (MPPL) (Common Birds Survey) |
Website: | |
Organisation: | OTOP BirdLife Poland (2000–2006), Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (since 2007) |
Status: | ongoing |
Start: | 2000 |
Number of fieldworkers: | 450 |
Species: | 110 |
Habitats record: | yes |
Methods: | line transects |
Selection of plots: | stratified random |
Sustainable support: | yes |
Reference: |
Chodkiewicz T., Chylarecki P., Sikora A., Wardecki Ł., Bobrek R., Neubauer G., Marchowski D., Dmoch A., Kuczyński L. 2019. Raport z wdrażania art. 12 Dyrektywy Ptasiej w Polsce w latach 2013-2018: stan, zmiany, zagrożenia. Biuletyn Monitoringu Przyrody 20: 1–80. [in Polish; tables and graphs are also in English]
Chodkiewicz T., Chylarecki P., Sikora A., Wardecki Ł., Bobrek R., Neubauer G., Marchowski D., Dmoch A., Kuczyński L. 2019. Raport z wdrażania art. 12 Dyrektywy Ptasiej w Polsce w latach 2013-2018: stan, zmiany, zagrożenia. Biuletyn Monitoringu Przyrody 20: 1–80. [in Polish; tables and graphs are also in English] Chylarecki P., Chodkiewicz T., Neubauer G., Sikora A., Meissner W., Woźniak B., Wylegała P., Ławicki Ł., Marchowski D., Betleja J., Bzoma S., Cenian Z., Górski A., Korniluk M., Moczarska J., Ochocińska D., Rubacha S., Wieloch M., Zielińska M., Zieliński P., Kuczyński L. 2018. Trendy liczebności ptaków w Polsce. GIOŚ, Warszawa. |
Contact: |
Tomasz Chodkiewicz, national coordinator of the project
Museum and Institute of Zoology Polish Academy of Science, Twarda 51/55, 00-818 Warszawa, Poland Łukasz Wardecki OTOP BirdLife Poland, , Szeroki Dunaj 5, 00-255 Warszawa, Poland Paulina Siejka Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection, Department of Environmental Monitoring, Al. Jerozolimskie 92, 00-807 Warszawa |
Note: | The project was conducted between 2000 and 2006 by OTOP BirdLife Poland. Since 2007, it has been included in the State Environmental Monitoring – programme realised by Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection and funded by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management. |