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bird monitoring scheme providing data to PECBMS in 2024 update

existing bird monitoring scheme

no bird monitoring scheme


Name of scheme: Meadow bird species monitoring in NE Iceland
Organisation: Northeast Iceland Nature Research Centre
Status: ongoing
Start: 2010
Species: 9
Habitats record: yes
Methods: point counts
Selection of plots: other
Sustainable support: yes
Contact: Þorkell L. Þórarinsson
Yann Kolbeinsson
Name of scheme: Meadow bird species monitoring (Mýrar, Bakki)
Organisation: Icelandic Institute of Nature Research
Status: ongoing
Start: 2006
Species: 10
Habitats record: yes
Methods: point counts
Selection of plots: other
Sustainable support: yes
Contact: Aldís Erna Pálsdóttir
Borgný Katrínardóttir
Name of scheme: Common land birds in South Iceland
Organisation: University of Iceland research center
Status: ongoing
Start: 2011
Habitats record: no
Methods: point counts
Selection of plots: other
Sustainable support: yes
Contact: Tómas Grétar Gunnarsson
Böðvar Þórisson
Name of scheme: Ptarmigan monitoring
Organisation: Icelandic Institute of Nature Research
Status: ongoing
Start: 1963
Species: 1
Habitats record: yes
Methods: other
Selection of plots: other
Sustainable support: yes
Contact: Ólafur K. Nielsen
Aldís Erna Pálsdóttir
Name of scheme: Seabird monitoring
Organisation: Northeast Iceland Nature Research Centre
Status: ongoing
Start: 2009
Species: 5
Habitats record: no
Methods: other
Selection of plots: other
Sustainable support: partial
Contact: Þorkell L. Þórarinsson
Yann Kolbeinsson
Name of scheme: Bjargfuglar – cliff breeding seabirds
Organisation: University of Iceland
Status: ongoing
Habitats record: yes
Methods: other
Selection of plots: other
Sustainable support: no
Contact: Prof. Arnthor Gardarsson
Institute of Biology, University of Iceland, Askja, Sturlugata 7, IS-101 Reykjavik, Iceland
Name of scheme: Mýraeldar – effect of wildfires on birds
Organisation: Icelandic Institute of Natural History
Status: ongoing
Habitats record: yes
Methods: other
Selection of plots: other
Sustainable support: no
Contact: Gudmundur A. Gudmundsson
Icelandic Institute of Natural History, P.O.Box 5320, IS-125 Reykjavik, Iceland