
bird monitoring scheme providing data to PECBMS in 2024 update

existing bird monitoring scheme

no bird monitoring scheme


Name of scheme: Punkttællingsprogrammet (Point count census of breeding and wintering birds)
Organisation: DOF/BirdLife Denmark (Danish Ornithological Society)
Status: ongoing
Start: 1975
Number of fieldworkers: 348
Species: 124
Habitats record: yes
Methods: point counts
Selection of plots: free choice
Sustainable support: yes
Reference: M.F. Jørgensen & N.Y. Ali, (2022): Overvågning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2021. Årsrapport for Punkttællingsprogrammet. Dansk Ornitologisk Forening.
Eskildsen, D.P., Vikstrøm, T, Jørgensen, M.F. & Moshøj, C.M.M. 2020: Overvågning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2019. Årsrapport for Punkttællingsprogrammet. Dansk Ornitologisk Forening. (In Danish with an Enlish summary).
Moshøj, C.M., D.P. Eskildsen, T. Nyegaard, M.F. Jørgensen, T. Vikstrøm (2017): Overvågning af de almindelige fuglearter I Danmark 1975-2016. Årsrapport for Punkttællingsprogrammet. Dansk Ornitologisk Forening (In Danish with an English summary).
Nyegaard, T., Larsen, J.D., Brandtberg, N. & Jørgensen, M. F. (2015): Overvågning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2014. Årsrapport for Punkttællingsprojektet. Dansk Ornitologisk Forening. (in Danish with English summary)
Heldbjerg, H., Brandtberg, N. & Lerche-Jørgensen, M. F. (2014): Overvågning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2013. Årsrapport for Punkttællingsprojektet. Dansk Ornitologisk Forening. (in Danish with English summary)
Contact: Thomas Vikstrøm
Dansk Ornitologisk Forening (DOF - BirdLife DK), Vesterbrogade 140, DK 1620, Copenhagen V, Denmark
Daniel Palm Eskildsen
DOF/BirdLife Denmark (Danish Ornithological Society), Vesterbrogade 140, DK 1620, Copenhagen V, Denmark140, DK 1620, Copenhagen V, Denmark
Name of scheme: White-tailed Eagle as ambassador for nature; Havørnen som Naturambassadør
Organisation: DOF / Birdlife Denmark
Status: ongoing
Start: 2016
Number of fieldworkers: 3
Species: 1
Habitats record: no
Methods: other
Selection of plots: other
Sustainable support: no
Contact: Daniel Palm Eskildsen
DOF/BirdLife Denmark (Danish Ornithological Society), Vesterbrogade 140, DK 1620, Copenhagen V, Denmark140, DK 1620, Copenhagen V, Denmark
Note: Methods: GPS-tracking of white-tailed eagles combined with outreach projects such as www.ø By tracking White-tailed eagles with GPS-transmitters and combining with public outreach, we hope to better understand this species' habitat requirements, hope to better manage and protect it and raise awareness.
Name of scheme: DOFbasen - Online portal in Denmark
Organisation: DOF/BirdLife Denmark
Status: ongoing
Start: 2002
Number of fieldworkers: 2600
Species: 480
Habitats record: no
Methods: other
Selection of plots: free choice
Sustainable support: no
Contact: Timme Nyegaard
DOF/BirdLife Denmark, , Vesterbrogade 138-140, DK-1620 Copenhagen V
Note: All birds of Denmark (ca. 480) plus all vertebrates except fish and selected butterflies are monitored.
Name of scheme: Montagu's Harrier Nest Protection; Projekt Hedehøg
Organisation: DOF/BirdLife Denmark
Status: ongoing
Start: 1995
Number of fieldworkers: 5
Species: 1
Habitats record: yes
Methods: territory mapping
Selection of plots: other
Sustainable support: yes
Contact: Timme Nyegaard
DOF/BirdLife Denmark, , Vesterbrogade 138-140, DK-1620 Copenhagen V
Note: Selection of plots: Locating all pairs in Denmark, fencing threatened nests.
Name of scheme: Rare Breeding Birds
Organisation: DOF/BirdLife Denmark; Projekt Truede og Sjældne Ynglefugle
Status: ongoing
Start: 1998
Number of fieldworkers: 100
Species: 30
Habitats record: no
Methods: territory mapping
Selection of plots: free choice
Sustainable support: yes
Contact: Timme Nyegaard
DOF/BirdLife Denmark, , Vesterbrogade 138-140, DK-1620 Copenhagen V