
bird monitoring scheme providing data to PECBMS in 2024 update

existing bird monitoring scheme

no bird monitoring scheme


Name of scheme: Monitoring der Brutvögel Österreichs
Organisation: BirdLife Austria
Status: ongoing
Start: 1998
Number of fieldworkers: 240
Species: 89
Habitats record: yes
Methods: point counts
Selection of plots: free choice
Sustainable support: partial
Reference: Teufelbauer, N., R. Büchsenmeister, A. Berger, B. Seaman, B. Regner, E. Nemeth & S. J. Butler (2017): Developing a forest bird indicator for Austria. Vogelwelt 137: 215-224.
Teufelbauer, N., B. S. Seaman & M. Dvorak (2017): Bestandsentwicklungen häufiger österreichischer Brutvögel im Zeitraum 1998-2016 – Ergebnisse des Brutvogel-Monitoring. Egretta 55: 43-76.
Teufelbauer, N. & J. Frühauf (2010): Developing a national Farmland Bird Index for Austria. In: Anselin, A. (ed.): Bird Numbers 2010. Monitoring, indicators and targets. Proceedings the 18th Conference of the European Bird Census Council, Cáceres, Spain (partim). Bird Census News 23/1-2: 87-97.
Teufelbauer, N. (2010): The Farmland Bird Index for Austria – first results of the changes in populations of common birds of farmed land. Egretta 51: 35-50.
Contact: Norbert Teufelbauer
BirdLife Austria, Museumplatz 1/10/8, A-1070 Wien, Austria
Benjamin Seaman