The PECBMS workshop auditorium in Evora during the Bird Numbers conference 2019. Photo by Alena Klvaňová

Attend the PECBMS workshop during the Bird Numbers 2022 conference

March 22, 2022

We sincerely invite you to Lucerne to join the PECBMS workshop. You will hear about the project progress since the last Bird Numbers conference in Evora in 2019, the individual scheme news and presentations on some research outputs and future developments.

The PECBMS workshop auditorium in Evora during the Bird Numbers conference 2019. Photo by Alena Klvaňová


The conference Bird Numbers 2022 is nearing, so we wanted to invite you to the PECBMS workshop held on Monday 4 April at 2.30 PM. We plan to finish the workshop by 5.30 PM. There will be the registration desk open and a welcome film projection during the time of the workshop, however, the overlap is not a problem. The film will run continuously and it is possible to start watching at any time. PECBMS workshop participants will be able to register after the workshop.

By checking the workshop agenda (for download) or below, you find out there is time dedicated to the national monitoring schemes coordinators. Therefore, we want to encourage you to prepare a short presentation on your common bird survey progress, challenges, or outputs. A PowerPoint presentation should take max. 3 minutes. Some of you probably remember such presentations during the PECBMS workshop in Mikulov several years ago, which everybody enjoyed. We are looking forward to hearing the news from you!

Please, let us know (klvanova @ in advance if you will present your scheme and send the ppt presentation preferably by 1 April.  Many thanks.

Agenda points

1. Report on the progress of the PECBMS (60 min)
Alena Klvaňová: Welcome, a summary of the PECBMS activities 2019–2021
Eva Šilarová: Technical update (data revision, new programs, online tools)
Anna Gamero: Presentation of the new site-level online tool
Petr Voříšek: The concept of the International Census Plots (ICP), experience from
the pilot year, and plans for the future

2. Time for coordinators: updates and questions (60 min)

3. Presentations on research outputs and future development (60 min)
Karine Princé: Embedding the FBI into the CAPRI model for the European Commission
and projects mobilizing the French BBS data (Natura 2000 assessment, data
combination with opportunistic records, etc.)
Fränzi Korner-Nievergelt & Thomas Sattler: The problem of disappearing or newly
occurring species in multi-species indices and how to resolve it
Enya O´Reilly, Simon Butler: Developing a European forest indicator – the role of the relative habitat use metric
Henk Sierdsema, Christian Kampichler: Distribution modeling with SDMaps (an
update about modeling techniques available for CBM coordinators)

Note that you can download the conference program.

We hope to meet you in person in Lucerne soon!

The PECBMS team