
Svensk Fågeltaxering (SFT); The Swedish Bird Survey


Ongoing since 1967, as two parallel schemes. In 2018, joined one scheme.

Starting in 1967 – the International Waterbird Counts
Starting in 1969 – the Swedish Breeding Bird Survey

2002 onwards

Åke Lindström

Department of Biology, Lund University, Ecology Building, S-223 62 Lund, Sweden


Åke is professor in Animal Ecology and interested in understanding population changes over time and space, as well as related nature conservation aspects. In 2002 he took over the Swedish Breeding Bird Monitoring Scheme (which then also included Winter Bird Counts) from the founder Sören Svensson. After running all parts of the scheme up till 2006, he has gradually become more and more focused on scientific analyses of the data. He served in the EBCC board 2004–2013 as Delegate Officer and is one of two Swedish delegates in EBCC.

Martin Green

Department of Biology, Lund University, Ecology Building, S-223 62 Lund, Sweden


Martin is an Animal Ecology researcher (PhD) interested in all aspect of bird monitoring and bird conservation. His involvement started in 2007, and Martin is now the main person running the daily business of several sub-schemes of the Swedish Bird Survey, not least the “old schemes” (the summer and winter point counts) and the “new scheme” (the Fixed routes). Martin is also the brain behind some recent improvements aimed at covering more species, such as the Night routes and Wetland counts, as well as introducing the counting of mammals and amphibians.


Fredrik Haas

Department of Biology, Lund University, Ecology Building, S-223 62 Lund, Sweden


Fredrik is an Animal Ecology researcher (PhD) interested in spatial and temporal dynamics of bird populations with a current focus on our schemes covering waterbirds in the broadest sense. Fredrik joined the Swedish Bird Survey in 2015 and in 2019 he replaced Leif Nilsson as responsible for the IWC. In addition, he is also responsible for a newly started scheme aimed at monitoring breeding waterbirds in the Swedish archipelagos. Fredrik is one of two Swedish delegates in EBCC.


1967–2019 Leif Nilsson (IWC)
1969–2002 Sören Svensson (The Swedish Breeding Bird Survey)