
From 2017

Laura Silva – Italian scheme coordinator

Lega Italiana Protezione Uccelli (LIPU), Via Trento 49, IT-43100, Parma

Laura works in the Nature Conservation Department of Lipu BirdLife Italia, coordinating the Italian common bird monitoring scheme since 2017 and working on it since 2010. As part of this project, her working group also provides the annual update of the C35 Farmland Bird Indicator for the monitoring and evaluation of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and regional Rural Development Programmes (RDPs). Since January 2021 she also coordinates the management of 10 Lipu wildlife recovery centres.


Mattia Brambilla – Italian EBCC delegate

Lombardy Foundation for the Environment

Mattia is particularly interested in bird ecology and conservation, evolution and phylogeography. Now, most of his work is dedicated to biodiversity in farmland habitats, effects of climate change (and related human adaptation) on wild species, ecology and conservation of birds of conservation concern, monitoring plans. He has just started working (from Sep 2021) as a researcher at the University of Milan (Department of Environmental Science and Policy – ESP).

Gianpiero Calvi – Italian EBCC delegate

Gianpiero is a freelancer particularly interested in bird monitoring with a special focus on farmland breeding birds and bird migration. He has been working on these topics for 20 years. As a freelancer, he also works in the field of environmental impact assessment using birds and other taxa as well, especially amphibians, bats, butterflies and dragonflies. His main skill is data analysis. He is a member of the technical board of the national common breeding bird monitoring programme.


Until 2017

Lorenzo Fornasari

Elisabetta de Carli

Guido Tellini Florenzano