European Indicators

Accompanying text of the update and set of main indicators for Europe and EU, which are freely available for download in Excel sheets, are presented here.

Since January 2006, the production of European bird indicators has been supported by the European Commission.

If you wish to use our data, we recommend reading the rules of using the PECBMS outputs stated in our Data Access And Co-authorship Policy.

Confidence limits may be shown only if the option All data in one graph is set to no.

indicator, , species habitat classification,

Trend of species contributing to the indicator:

  • Moderate decline 0
  • Moderate increase 0
  • Stable 0
  • Steep decline 0
  • Strong increase 0
  • Uncertain 0



Source of the data: EBCC/BirdLife/RSPB/CSO

Common bird indicators, Europe, single European species habitat classification

Indicator Region Time period No. of species Trend (%)a)
Europe 1980-2022 168 -19
Europe 1980-2022 39 -61
Europe 1980-2022 34 -8

Common bird indicators, EU (without the United Kingdom), single European species habitat classification

Indicator Region Time period No. of species Trend (%)a)
EU (without UK) 1980-2022 168 -16
EU (without UK) 1980-2022 39 -55
EU (without UK) 1980-2022 34 -3
New EU (without UK) 1982-2022 29 -47
Old EU (without UK) 1980-2022 39 -54

Common bird indicators, EU with the United Kingdom, single European species habitat classification

Indicator Region Time period No. of species Trend (%)a)
EU with UK 1980-2022 168 -20
EU with UK 1980-2022 39 -63
EU with UK 1980-2022 34 -8
New EU with UK 1982-2022 29 -47
Old EU with UK 1980-2022 39 -63

Regional common bird indicators, single European species habitat classification

Indicator Region Time period No. of species Trend (%)a)
Central & East Europe 1982-2022 23 -31
Central & East Europe 1982-2022 27 -9
North Europe 1980-2022 14 -43
North Europe 1980-2022 24 -19
South Europe 1989-2022 37 -47
South Europe 1989-2022 25 -29
West Europe 1980-2022 22 -54
West Europe 1980-2022 29 1